Americans Blame GOP For Most of World’s Problems

Shut up pervert.

Tiana is not going to post a picture of her breasts, per your request.

And how Darla looks is none of your concern. She won't date republicans or losers.

:321: cippie...I was joking with cawacko...what is with you and 'breasts' anyhoo...always on your siick mind!
Beefy, I knew what you dentist joke meant, what I meant was, why do you want to know what I look like so badly?

If I hadn't had such really bad previous experiences, I'd email you a picture, to put your mind at rest.

I'm just curious. I've seen Tiana, Damo, Maineman, Rob, Saoirse, Care, and a couple of others I think. I just like to put a face with the name.

Everyone here knows what I look like.

This thread is hysterical. He has totally lost it.

Never lost anything darla...I never asked you out...get over it joke is one dream is another...go play in the sandbox with your commie bud!

Unless you were addressing cypress as being the one who lost it...then I apologize!
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:321: cippie...I was joking with cawacko...what is with you and 'breasts' anyhoo...always on your siick mind!

You're the first male who's ever told me its "sick" to have breasts on the mind. I have breast on my mind 50% of the day. Are you gay?

However old man, what is sick is too make an unwelcome request of a random women on an internet forum, to post pics of her breasts. Which is what you did. That's called stalking at worst, and distasteful at best.

Did your momma teach you any manners? Or, were you raised in a barn?
You have beat this BS....

You're the first male who's ever told me its "sick" to have breasts on the mind. I have breast on my mind 50% of the day. Are you gay?

However old man, what is sick is too make an unwelcome request of a random women on an internet forum, to post pics of her breasts. Which is what you did. That's called stalking at worst, and distasteful at best.

Did your momma teach you any manners? Or, were you raised in a barn?

to death I never said anything of the kind...only a joking response to anothers post...get over your perverted side already! and I believe it is 'you' who are the gay idiot hiding in the closet...Cippe Admit ya are gay and a commie and we all can move on!
You're the first male who's ever told me its "sick" to have breasts on the mind. I have breast on my mind 50% of the day.

Yeah, I noticed that too. If thinking about mammaries makes me sick, then its a freaking miracle that I'm not in a padded room.
to death I never said anything of the kind...only a joking response to anothers post...get over your perverted side already! and I believe it is 'you' who are the gay idiot hiding in the closet...Cippe Admit ya are gay and a commie and we all can move on!

that's what all perverts say, when they are caught in the act:

"But, I was only joking!"

Ever see that "To Catch a Pervert" series on MSNBC? That's what all the perverts say when they are caught.

Hey, if you think its "sick" to think about breasts, maybe you prefer men to women. Thinking about breasts is cool with me. Just don't ask women you don't know - and women who don't like you - to post breast pics here.
That was not....

Yeah, I noticed that too. If thinking about mammaries makes me sick, then its a freaking miracle that I'm not in a padded room.

the issue...cippie makes accusations and beats the BS to death...and you support this ???amazing... are you also a closet gay...beefy...makes one wonder...also cippie is a card carrier....!
I'm eating this great cereal Smart Start, it has oat bran oat clusters, it's great. But it's bad to be eating it reading this thread, because I'm going to choke for sure.
I'm eating this great cereal Smart Start, it has oat bran oat clusters, it's great. But it's bad to be eating it reading this thread, because I'm going to choke for sure.

Is that stuff any good for you or is it more like sugar cereal?

that's what all perverts say, when they are caught in the act:

"But, I was only joking!"

Ever see that "To Catch a Pervert" series on MSNBC? That's what all the perverts say when they are caught.

Hey, if you think its "sick" to think about breasts, maybe you prefer men to women. Thinking about breasts is cool with me. Just don't ask women you don't know - and women who don't like you - to post breast pics here.

you were not joking you were being a asshole...and by the way admit ya are gay and a commie...some really know the truth about you...!
Is that stuff any good for you or is it more like sugar cereal?

It has a lot of really good for you stuff in it, but, I don't eat it every day because sadly, like everything else that tastes good, it's got too much sugar in it. And there is so much sugar in everything, so I try and limit it. It's so bad for you. But it's so good. It's like, a bad man, you know? ;)
I'm eating this great cereal Smart Start, it has oat bran oat clusters, it's great. But it's bad to be eating it reading this thread, because I'm going to choke for sure.
Cracklin' Oat Bran is my fave... But man it would rot your teeth.
you were not joking you were being a asshole...and by the way admit ya are gay and a commie...some really know the truth about you...!

Great comeback.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I haven't seen this kind of comeback since 8th grade. It's the equivalent of:

I'm gay??!!!!.....well, ....well....uhhh....well you're gay TOO!"
to death I never said anything of the kind...only a joking response to anothers post...get over your perverted side already! and I believe it is 'you' who are the gay idiot hiding in the closet...Cippe Admit ya are gay and a commie and we all can move on!

Once more you loe, which is common for you. You did in fact suggest that posters show you their breast. and you were strongly chided for it.
Great comeback.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I haven't seen this kind of comeback since 8th grade. It's the equivalent of:

I'm gay??!!!!.....well, ....well....uhhh....well you're gay TOO!"

Cypress, you're a gay commie? How are you going to buy me stuff and then throw me down on the bed afterwards? I think that was a lot of BS talk, now that I found this out!

Commies don't have money to buy stuff, and gay men don't throw women on beds.

I am so pissed.

So Cawacko, you thought I was cute, huh?

Old fashioned on the frosted flakes with bananas and half and half...but only when Hash browns,ham and or steak with eggs is not available or in a hurry!