Americans Blame GOP For Most of World’s Problems

Cypress, you're a gay commie? How are you going to buy me stuff and then throw me down on the bed afterwards? I think that was a lot of BS talk, now that I found this out!

Commies don't have money to buy stuff, and gay men don't throw women on beds.

I am so pissed.

So Cawacko, you thought I was cute, huh?

Much better.


BB isn't gay. Nor is Cypress. Come on kiddies.... Let's talk politics.
Cypress, you're a gay commie? How are you going to buy me stuff and then throw me down on the bed afterwards? I think that was a lot of BS talk, now that I found this out!

Commies don't have money to buy stuff, and gay men don't throw women on beds.

I am so pissed.

So Cawacko, you thought I was cute, huh?


I have to put on the "gay commie" act so women will leave me alone. I'm so damned charming and good looking, that women literally throw themselves at me. I can only handle one woman at a time.

I have to put on the "gay commie" act so women will leave me alone. I'm so damned charming and good looking, that women literally throw themselves at me. I can only handle one woman at a time.

Stop using the Axe... Geez.
Cypress, you're a gay commie? How are you going to buy me stuff and then throw me down on the bed afterwards? I think that was a lot of BS talk, now that I found this out!

Commies don't have money to buy stuff, and gay men don't throw women on beds.

I am so pissed.

So Cawacko, you thought I was cute, huh?


I only saw that one picture back when and it looked good.
Good girl....

Cypress, you're a gay commie? How are you going to buy me stuff and then throw me down on the bed afterwards? I think that was a lot of BS talk, now that I found this out!

Commies don't have money to buy stuff, and gay men don't throw women on beds.

I am so pissed.

So Cawacko, you thought I was cute, huh?


cawacko is your kinda guy...he is also really funny...not into himself..and so full of BS and hate!
I'm bored.

Me too! Not to mention a bit down. My dad hasn't felt 'right' in two days, so that cancelled our planned trip to DC, supposed to have left this evening. :(

Of course now with the reservations cancelled, he is feeling a tad better. I don't think this is a serious problem, just a 'bug' which can happen even when someone is basically healthy. Still a bummer.
I only saw that one picture back when and it looked good.

LOL. I was kind of joking, pretending I was throwing over Cypress (because BB has made us a couple, oh, and me and Damo too), and was looking for the next one, you know?

Did you want like a stack of pictures so you can be sure? I mean, that one could have been airbrushed...I can see you're suspicious. ;)
LOL. I was kind of joking, pretending I was throwing over Cypress (because BB has made us a couple, oh, and me and Damo too), and was looking for the next one, you know?

Did you want like a stack of pictures so you can be sure? I mean, that one could have been airbrushed...I can see you're suspicious. ;)

LOL... yeah you need to send me one! The only picture I've ever received was from Frog. It was her and her kids.
Just a simple response....

Once more you loe, which is common for you. You did in fact suggest that posters show you their breast. and you were strongly chided for it.

whatever I said many times before...yes I did do that...however it was in response to anothers challenge...a joke!...Over your head go back to the art gallery and check the backsides of the frames...maybe ya will see a boob or two..who knows!
Say what...

You know what's terrible Cawacko? I fell for this the first time she pulled this. I didn't realize who it was at first, and I was like, wow Tiana you are just gorgeous. And like someone willing to take advantage of the mentally handicapped (no offense BB), here she is trying it again!

I am only handicapped in golf and a 20% VA physical disability pension...shame on you...this is discrimination at it's worst!:cof1:
You know what's terrible Cawacko? I fell for this the first time she pulled this. I didn't realize who it was at first, and I was like, wow Tiana you are just gorgeous. And like someone willing to take advantage of the mentally handicapped (no offense BB), here she is trying it again!

LOL, that was absolutely hilarious! That was one of those threads that I laughed so hard at I teared up. What made it so bad was I think her name was in the URL or on the picture itself. :clink:

I crack me up.......