Americans Blame GOP For Most of World’s Problems

darla is way full of herself...way too much association with 'Code Pink'...ugly mommas!

Another Bush apologist totally losing it! :cheer:

BB has been reduced to simply coming on here, and chanting incoherent babblings from the peanut gallery. The loser can't even mount a single substantive defense of his hero - George W. Bush! :clink:
Yes, it's spanish. It means something similar to please.

Cawacko, you are just adorable sometimes.

thank you I have now lost my anger caused by that women this morning. Now I may actually be able to do some work. :)
Ahhh how so sweet....

lol... i googled the definition. I'm not sure what language por favor is from but it is a word correct?

amor vincit omnia..(latin fo love conquers all) darla and cawacko are in love..damo will be so jealous...never mind I think Cawacko meant...'ami de cour'..thats french look it up on google if ya must!
I only speak "french" when I stub my toe or something like that.
That is the extent of my "speaking in tongues" .
Nope I apologize for....

Another Bush apologist totally losing it! :cheer:

BB has been reduced to simply coming on here, and chanting incoherent babblings from the peanut gallery. The loser can't even mount a single substantive defense of his hero - George W. Bush! :clink:

no one...I just take the other side of the on the other hand are a Islam/terrorist and Hillary apologist along with a few others! and a 'card carrying Communist!' Back off bison breath! Your glass house is about to explode!
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amor vincit omnia..(latin fo love conquers all) darla and cawacko are in love..damo will be so jealous...never mind I think Cawacko meant...'ami de cour'..thats french look it up on google if ya must!

Damo is the man but I saw Darla first, she's mine.
ROTFLMAO, Apologists are dropping back to the old "why do you hate America " line. Reality is getting closer to Lil Bush all the time :D
and you can prove does she really look...besides her ugly politics???

Shut up pervert.

Tiana is not going to post a picture of her breasts, per your request.

And how Darla looks is none of your concern. She won't date republicans or losers.
Shut up pervert.

Tiana is not going to post a picture of her breasts, per your request.

And how Darla looks is none of your concern. She won't date republicans or losers.

Whoa there fellah, let Tiana make that decision.

And Darla looks like the lady who played Jim Carrey's wife in "Liar Liar" so far as I can tell.
I have a bad front tooth.

Hows about that brown haired lady on "Six Feet Deep"?

Beefy, I knew what you dentist joke meant, what I meant was, why do you want to know what I look like so badly?

If I hadn't had such really bad previous experiences, I'd email you a picture, to put your mind at rest.