An Alternative To The Elector College


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Each American should be allotted a number of votes depending on certain variables.

For example, the lower the tax bracket you fall into, the more votes you get, which would give the poor an edge against the wealthy, who have large amounts of money to influence elections.

If you're educated, you get another vote. Maybe +1 vote for a bachelor's degree and +2 for an advanced degree.
Each American should be allotted a number of votes depending on certain variables.

For example, the lower the tax bracket you fall into, the more votes you get, which would give the poor an edge against the wealthy, who have large amounts of money to influence elections.

If you're educated, you get another vote. Maybe +1 vote for a bachelor's degree and +2 for an advanced degree.

I think if you dont pay any federal income tax you shouldn't even be given one vote.
Maybe just make the distribution of EC votes proportional to the popular vote. A couple of states already do this.
Maybe just make the distribution of EC votes proportional to the popular vote. A couple of states already do this.

And when that doesn't work for you you fucking pussues will whine like the little bitches you are, so why the fuck bother? Go fuck yourself tacocunt
Each American should be allotted a number of votes depending on certain variables.

For example, the lower the tax bracket you fall into, the more votes you get, which would give the poor an edge against the wealthy, who have large amounts of money to influence elections.

If you're educated, you get another vote. Maybe +1 vote for a bachelor's degree and +2 for an advanced degree.

LOL, what a moronic idea..............but you're an unamerican fuckstick anyway
Each American should be allotted a number of votes depending on certain variables.

For example, the lower the tax bracket you fall into, the more votes you get, which would give the poor an edge against the wealthy, who have large amounts of money to influence elections.

If you're educated, you get another vote. Maybe +1 vote for a bachelor's degree and +2 for an advanced degree.

still elitist. education is a function of class.

additionally, often times education just indicates willingess to regurgitate lies and abandon your true self.
Each American should be allotted a number of votes depending on certain variables.

For example, the lower the tax bracket you fall into, the more votes you get, which would give the poor an edge against the wealthy, who have large amounts of money to influence elections.

If you're educated, you get another vote. Maybe +1 vote for a bachelor's degree and +2 for an advanced degree.

So, if you get a doctorate in useless nonsense (Art History comes to mind) you get to just decide who is king even though you clearly have proven to have no ability to make good choices? This idea is as useless as underwater basket weaving 101.
Each American should be allotted a number of votes depending on certain variables.

For example, the lower the tax bracket you fall into, the more votes you get, which would give the poor an edge against the wealthy, who have large amounts of money to influence elections.

If you're educated, you get another vote. Maybe +1 vote for a bachelor's degree and +2 for an advanced degree.

That would be moving farther and farther away from equality.

Read the Utopian novel called "Alpaca."
Imagine... We'd be held hostage by folks who drop out of school before they learn to read and have as many children as possible until their uterus falls out. They'd be poor, in poverty even...

I'm pretty sure that this path to socialism isn't going to fly in the United States.
I like the idea that EVERYONE gets three votes, then in the end whoever most people felt good enough about to vote for, would win.
Each American should be allotted a number of votes depending on certain variables.

For example, the lower the tax bracket you fall into, the more votes you get, which would give the poor an edge against the wealthy, who have large amounts of money to influence elections.

If you're educated, you get another vote. Maybe +1 vote for a bachelor's degree and +2 for an advanced degree.

Fuck you commie. The electoral college is the way it's done in America. If you don't like it, GTFO!