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The alternative is the popular vote. We use that everywhere else.
in america, states rights and sovereignty are respected to a signifcant degree. it will remain that way.
The alternative is the popular vote. We use that everywhere else.
To hell with everyone being equal under the law, right?
... as long as you divide the number of votes allotted by the number of people in each tax bracket.
... and the reason successful people should be punished for being successful is ...?
... you mean to say that additional votes are to be allotted if you have been indoctrinated into Leftist/Marxist ideology at a university of zero tolerance for intellectual diversity?
There's a word for your plan ... I forget what that word is exactly at the moment.
No. Under my system, those with both the least money and the highest education would have the most voting power.
simple. let me show you the basic steps of being American.
1. supporting the constitution of the united states
2. democrats don't believe in the constitution of the united states
3. republicans don't believe in the constitution of the united states
4. anyone who votes democrat or republican are voting against the constitution of the united states
see how simple that was?
No. Under my system, those with both the least money and the highest education would have the most voting power.
Oh. I see.
You're dumb.
Oh. I see.
You're dumb.
Allow me to make you the wisest Leftist on the internet by teaching you something that Leftists simply don't understand: the past is not the present. I know, that's totally wild, right? All leftists are taught to assume that the past is the present but now you are so much smarter than all of your contemporaries. While other leftists are repeatedly obligated to change the subject to how the KKK is lynching blacks nationwide, you can point out that the KKK is (i.e. present tense) merely a peaceful segregationist organization of approximately double-digit membership. Of course that type of saavy understanding isn't popular among your ilk but that's the price of being smarter than all the other Leftists.In the beginning, only white landowners could vote.
Nope. Everybody gets only one vote. Nobody gets to buy a second vote. There are no districts that afford one more votes than other districts. Your mistaken impression that money can change how much say one gets is absurd.In our current system, something as arbitrary as location determines how much say you have in an election.
Incorrect. Those issues still exist and are more relevant and threatening than ever. We need the electoral college more than ever.The Electoral College was devised to solve issues that no longer exist.
Winning the popular vote is like winning at the claw machine. Your prize isn't that great and it's probably something you could purchase cheaper than it cost you to operate the claw machine to win It, but you're going to brag about it and make a big deal about how significant it is.
I always thought that was a funny analogy.
Allow me to make you the wisest Leftist on the internet by teaching you something that Leftists simply don't understand: the past is not the present. I know, that's totally wild, right? All leftists are taught to assume that the past is the present but now you are so much smarter than all of your contemporaries. While other leftists are repeatedly obligated to change the subject to how the KKK is lynching blacks nationwide, you can point out that the KKK is (i.e. present tense) merely a peaceful segregationist organization of approximately double-digit membership. Of course that type of saavy understanding isn't popular among your ilk but that's the price of being smarter than all the other Leftists.
The past limitations on who could vote "in the beginning" is totally irrelevant to any and all contemporary discussions.
Nope. Everybody gets only one vote. Nobody gets to buy a second vote. There are no districts that afford one more votes than other districts. Your mistaken impression that money can change how much say one gets is absurd.
Incorrect. Those issues still exist and are more relevant and threatening than ever. We need the electoral college more than ever.
In the beginning, only white landowners could vote.
In our current system, something as arbitrary as location determines how much say you have in an election. The Electoral College was devised to solve issues that no longer exist.
That's one of the main reasons the system was created. It meant the winner had to appeal to a wider area not just the highly populated areas.
Nope, it sunk like a lead weight. You're a moron and your idea is stupid ... but I tried to be nice.I was making a point that, again, went over your head.
The only thing really needed to fix the electoral college is getting rid of "winner takes all" in the process.
Nope, it sunk like a lead weight. You're a moron and your idea is stupid ... but I tried to be nice.
1. that totally destroys the reason for the electoral college
2. its probably a moot point anyway because democrats destroyed this country with the 17th Amendment
No, it doesn't. It means states with large populations like California, Texas, or New York, can no longer dominate an election. Instead of California getting 55 Democrat electors the result would be more like 33 - 40 Democrat electors and 15 to 22 Republican ones. It removes the tyranny of the popular vote.
the electoral college has never been dominated by popular vote, obviously. and if CA, TX, and NY are dominant, why are they always looking at PA, IA, WI, and OH?????
no, there was a reason why the electoral college was used for presidential votes and why US Senators were selected by state legislators, until the 17th Amendment, and that was proportional representation among all 3 entities.........