An Alternative To The Elector College

It does by state if it's winner take all. One side gets say 51% of the vote and disenfranchises the other 49% by getting all of the state's delegates. If the delegates were apportioned by the vote, that wouldn't happen.

but that's not how it's supposed to work. why are you wanting to change a perfectly functioning system or representation?
Highly populated areas would not have been a factor in the electoral college's construction because there are no popular votes included in the plan (then or now).

I guess they could have considered more highly populated states rather than cities/regions.

It was a primary factor as to why overall popular vote wasn't used (then and now) to pick the winner. The founders knew that a few highly populated areas with like minded people could determine an election and create a democratic mob.
Each American should be allotted a number of votes depending on certain variables.

For example, the lower the tax bracket you fall into, the more votes you get, which would give the poor an edge against the wealthy, who have large amounts of money to influence elections.

If you're educated, you get another vote. Maybe +1 vote for a bachelor's degree and +2 for an advanced degree.

What's wrong with 'One Man, One Vote' ?
It does by state if it's winner take all. One side gets say 51% of the vote and disenfranchises the other 49% by getting all of the state's delegates. If the delegates were apportioned by the vote, that wouldn't happen.

ANY State, at any time, can decide to divide their electoral votes by proportion to popular vote within that State. Nebraska and Maine divide theirs by congressional district giving a 2 representing their Senators to the overall, statewide popular vote winner. The federal government had no say in them doing that nor could the federal government deny them from doing so. With regards to the presidential election, the Constitution and federal government say very little about things. What the Constitution says related to the electoral votes is more procedural than anything. States make their own rules about voting with Constitutional limits on those rules related to denying someone the ability to vote based on race, age, gender.
Each American should be allotted a number of votes depending on certain variables.

For example, the lower the tax bracket you fall into, the more votes you get, which would give the poor an edge against the wealthy, who have large amounts of money to influence elections.

If you're educated, you get another vote. Maybe +1 vote for a bachelor's degree and +2 for an advanced degree.

TRANSLATION: Let's go to the Democrat party controls the every election.
So, if you get a doctorate in useless nonsense (Art History comes to mind) you get to just decide who is king even though you clearly have proven to have no ability to make good choices? This idea is as useless as underwater basket weaving 101.

We don't have or vote for kings here, chucklefuck.
So, if you get a doctorate in useless nonsense (Art History comes to mind) you get to just decide who is king even though you clearly have proven to have no ability to make good choices? This idea is as useless as underwater basket weaving 101.

that's why they want the voting age lowered to 16
It was a primary factor as to why overall popular vote wasn't used (then and now) to pick the winner. The founders knew that a few highly populated areas with like minded people could determine an election and create a democratic mob.
No, it’s because they thought that only scholarly gentlemen were qualified to elect the president. They thought the common man was too ordinary and stupid to do so.
No, it’s because they thought that only scholarly gentlemen were qualified to elect the president. They thought the common man was too ordinary and stupid to do so.

That was also a primary factor. There were several including what I said.

There will be approximately 140 million votes cast in this election. Biden will get 70 million. If we used popular vote, that means 3 of the largest States would provide 20%+ of Biden's total. The founders wanted to prevent things like that.
We don't have or vote for kings here, chucklefuck.

We also don't have this stupid Monty Python-like voting inanity, if you get to come up with stupid nonsense I can point it out using King rather than President. Stupid poor people lobbing swords is not a valid system of government. If I went around saying I was Emperor because the stupidest person alive said so I'd be put away.