An Analysis of Darla

He is supposed to be a retired bigshot MBA who worked for Chevron as a bean counter. Can I ask you have you ever seen a post from him that even gave a glimpse of that supposed towering intellect?

I haven't, but to be fair, I have had him on IA since his 10000 post of "stock market does better under democrats". He may have worked for Chevron and he may have been in their accounting department and he may have retired with a nice little pension as Chevron is one of the few remaining companies with a defined benefits package.

Now, based on what I have ever seen him post about finance, he is a complete imbecile and people would be wise to stay clear of any advice he might give. I also think he is a complete liar about how much he has because quite frankly the numbers don't add up. According to him, he has had a 300% return since Obama has been in office, yet the S&P 500 has gone up 107% in Obama's first term. Some of the most sophisticated traders and investment gurus have not been able to achieve those types of gains. And I should add that according to him, he only does a buy and hold strategy which means he doesn't sell. The best performing asset class in Obama's first term has been silver which posted a 236% return. So he is either a liar, or amazingly lucky which doesn't get you very far very long in the finance world. I know. It has taken me a very long time and lots of losses to get to where I am as a trader and now I am pretty decent at it.

Anyway, that was a long winded way of saying I agree with you 100%
I was a not mellow teabagger when I arrived about nearly a decade ago!
Blissfully ignorant about politics except lower my taxes so my privileged kids tuition would go down easier.
After an unreasonable time of battling you, desh, cypress, oncelor and Mott; I started reading what you guys were talking about and became a turbo-lib(a Term I coined during a tax rant)
Being pro pot, women's rights, anti-war became more important than anti tax.

Late to the party though

No and MBAs are notoriously bad at spelling and grammar. Other professionals joke about it. It's well known and has nothing to do with their ability in their chosen profession.

My girlfriend who is a self made millionare in real estate laughs because she can't write a sentence without misspellings, but she says when people criticize her for it she just opens her bank account, reads the balance and smiles!
why were the broker rules held back for 8 years?

can anyone tell me why?

Can you wait longer then 2 or 3 minutes and give someone time to respond.
I know to you, 2 or 3 minutes is like a lifetime; but to those of us that don't live in your drug induced world, it's really only 2 or 3 minutes.