Mott the Hoople
Sweet Jane
Well hell....who doesn't? :megusta:howey has a hard on for yurt
Well hell....who doesn't? :megusta:howey has a hard on for yurt
Cause chimpanzee sign language is the only thing you understand?It's a shame that you haven't read more of her posts then; because she admitted that's why she posts shit.
Don't kid your self. He'd still toss all that shit out the window for a tax cut.That is really awesome.
I'm with you. I prefer the old fashioned phrase we had for them. "Assholes".I'm soo old they weren't called teabaggers back then!
Intimidated by a strong woman? Hell I pay extra!!One of the things that is blatantly obvious is the way aggression and power are judged differently between men & women here (as in many places).
Darla doesn't back down and will fight back. So she is a bitch. If a guy fights back it is accepted. If he doesn't he is a pussy.
This same thing happens in real life. More than a few men are intmidated by strong women.
A very wise man once told me that the key to happiness when living with a woman is to say these three sentences to her every day and to really mean them.I was raised by a single mom and had 2 sisters
I had a leg up on most guys from day 1 with girls!
got to be an expert in woman while bartending and watching thousands of strike outs!
key to happiness is not to throw her a pitch!
My wife is both....makes life damned ineresting too!!Me likes nice smart wimmin. Game playin drama queens need not apply.
My advise to your daughters is......they really don't want to date those kind of guys anyways.Both my daughters have told me that they were cautioned that guys didn't like girls who were "too smart". Now that was in high school, so it doesn't carry over long term. But habits formed then can carry over.
Trust me many dumbass guys that are running around....all to often they have no choice!!In my experience the young women today are LESS likely to play the stupid game
grind loves darla
Of course. Who doesn't love Darla?
Sorry Grind. OK EVERYONE GO BACK TO KISSING DARLA's ASS!!guys this isn't a relationship column. quit tarding up my thread. k thanks.
LMAO Shut up you two!
Boy, a guy can't even not hate a girl around here with out all of you going sideways and being all like, ewwww Grind likes a gurlll.
And Grind doesn't really dislike anyone. There is nothing special about me. Put your claws away fellas! I am getting shredded by you guys, it is like being surrounded by a bunch of Heathers!
Trust me many dumbass guys that are running around....all to often they have no choice!!
Intimidated by a strong woman? Hell I pay extra!!![]()