An atheist philosophy of life, per Albert Camus

Nope. I doubt anyone was FORCED to own a slave in order to survive.

Yes it did. Good thing no one actually BELIEVES human sacrifice is necessary to appease a god isn't it? Oh wait, people did so for millennia. And it was part of their understanding of the cosmos.

You know why an atheist is superior to a religious person? Because we know it never has been and it never will be.

The only people you need to worry about human sacrifice are PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE IN A GOD.

Racism is also a feature of religion. Look at Judaism. If you read the Old Testament the Jews were so superior to all other people at the time taht the CREATOR OF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE helped them to slaughter women and children so they could have their lands.

That's racism. And it is at the heart of Judaism and Christianity.

"Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.

Including the "human sacrifice" stuff? oh, didn't you realize Christianity is FOUNDED ON HUMAN SACRIFICE? No, I didn't take that with me. Also didn't take the "It's ok" view of slavery that Christianity has. Also didn't accept that genocide is something God wants (which is in the Bible). So you are kind of wrong.

Dumb response.
If you want to believe Christianity is essentially based on racism, that's your choice.

If you want to believe you haven't been inculcated with a Judeo-Christian ethos simply by your association with western civilization and western history, then you're lying to yourself.

If you want to deny that a Judeo-Christian ethos was not normative throughout most of human history, you are lying to yourself again.

The reason you yourself realize your last question was preposterous is because you know you have never asked your mother to scientifically measure how much she loves you. You've never asked a friend to scientifically measure their trust in you.
If you want to believe Christianity is essentially based on racism, that's your choice.

I cannot help that you have never read the Bible.

If you want to believe you haven't been inculcated

I never said that. As per usual you can't debate someone without lying about their position.

What I said was that all the stuff you think are bad about atheism that ACTUALLY COME FROM CHRISTIANITY, NOT atheism, are things I rejected from the faith.

If you want to deny that a Judeo-Christian ethos was not normative throughout most of human history, you are lying to yourself again.

Again, I never said anything about that.

May I ask why HONESTY is such a hard hurdle for you in a debate? You seem positively wed to being as dishonest about other people's points as you possibly can. Yet here you are talking about "normative ethics" like you understand anything about ethics.

The reason you yourself realize your last question was preposterous is because you know you have never asked your mother to scientifically measure how much she loves you. You've never asked a friend to scientifically measure their trust in you.

Wow. That's pretty stupid. Funny how you seem to think it is a smart point.
I cannot help that you have never read the Bible.

I never said that. As per usual you can't debate someone without lying about their position.

What I said was that all the stuff you think are bad about atheism that ACTUALLY COME FROM CHRISTIANITY, NOT atheism, are things I rejected from the faith.

Again, I never said anything about that.

May I ask why HONESTY is such a hard hurdle for you in a debate? You seem positively wed to being as dishonest about other people's points as you possibly can. Yet here you are talking about "normative ethics" like you understand anything about ethics.

Wow. That's pretty stupid. Funny how you seem to think it is a smart point.

Angry again Perry?

Right, it's stupid to talk about scientifically measuring suffering, harmony, love, trust, or friendship.

That's why the question you asked was so preposterous.
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The famous French Existentialist philosopher, Albert Camus, radicalized the question of whether life has any meaning.

Camus claims that the only fundamental philosophical question concerns whether one should commit suicide.
Another meaningless thread that adds no value beyond one WACKY opinion previously held by a long-since deceased person.
Good on you.

If nothing exists but physical matter and energy, it ultimately doesn't matter if you choose to indulge in drink and luxury material possessions, or if you choose to nurture and raise a family.

One can just shirk duty and moral responsibility, and the universe won't care - if it's all just matter and energy.

There's nothing wrong with expensive wine and Italian sports cars. But I don't think they make any difference at all to the universe.
My gut instinct is that reducing suffering, or increasing love and harmony makes a real difference to karma, or Qi, or the universal Tao, or some other transcendent truth we can't measure with scientific instruments.
morality is the reduction of suffering.

Those 'rules' frequently included slavery, human sacrifice, racism, eradication of the weak and disabled. The fact you have absorbed and internalized a Judeo-Christian ethos (apparently while barely realizing it) does not automatically imply that ethos is universal.

Dumb question.
Not all questions are science questions. Life is going to be very difficult for you if you need to demand scientific measurements of love, trust, loyalty, friendship.
slavery was always immoral even when Christians did it.
Another meaningless thread that adds no value beyond one WACKY opinion previously held by a long-since deceased person.
It's amusing that you claim to be an atheist, but are unaware and utterly dismissive of the insights of history's most famous atheists.
It's amusing that you claim to be an atheist, but are unaware and utterly dismissive of the insights of history's most famous atheists.
It's amazing that you continue to believe that you are omnipotent and that you can simply declare of what others are unaware. Please remember that you don't even know what an atheist is.

Delusions of Grandeur.
It's amazing that you continue to believe that you are omnipotent and that you can simply declare of what others are unaware. Please remember that you don't even know what an atheist is.

Delusions of Grandeur.
You can claim all you want that I post boring and meaningless threads, but the simple fact you are usually surreptitiously reading most of them is unequivocal evidence you do not find my contributions boring or insipid. They usually even inspire you to frantically Google to learn something new. Carry on, Google Master :laugh: