an eternity of blackness and emptiness awaits us all.


on indefiniate mod break
Forever and ever and ever. The amount of time we are able to be sentient is such a drop in the bucket for the trillions upon trillions of years where we have to be obliterated.

Kinda puts some things into perspective sometimes.
If only we would be so lucky. Well, those that worship C'Thulhu will be that lucky. But everyone else...
I believe we are lucky to have any time whatsoever.

Use it well

You will not be aware of the darkness for ever after so dont worry about it
We need a final solution for men, the entire sex should be exterminated and replaced with test tube babies and vibrators. If I have to die to accomplish this, so be it, I'm willing to make the sacrifice.
I believe, if we live a noble life, we are reincarnated in a better form. If we do evil or harm, our soul goes to a garage in Buffalo.

Fuck you. Buffalo is a great place to live, with great people, great recreation, and a lot of green space.
It's only slightly better than Ohio. It's like a snowy New Jersey.

It's called the Niagara Frontier for a good reason...20 minutes from Buffalo
