An idea


In the future, nearly every car will have a GPS system. And I also predict that entire states are going to be covered with WiMax internet coverage.

So, we could hook every car up to the internet, and allow them to talk to each other, and install a computer on each one that could detect and prevent crashes. For instance, if you turn your car towards a wall and floor it, the computer could cut off the gas and ask if you REALLY want to do that. If, possibly, some guy going by the name of "watermark" were to forget where he was, wind up about five miles from where he wanted to be, say "Fuck", and drive forward without seeing a huge-ass truck about to run into him, the computer could detect the likely collision that would result and stop it.

For privacy concerns the system could always be turned off. You would just be financially (and criminally) responsible for any preventable crashes that happened because you had it off.

The biggest problem with this is the inherently Orwellian nature of tracking everyone. Which is why I proposed a decentralized system instead of a monolithic government run one. But it's easy to come up with slippery slopes about how the government could make it mandatory, ban anonymity, and then collect the information from its monolithic computer anyway. Maybe we could have an inalterable constitutional amendment against practices like that.
I say we just make cars uncrashable.

One company already has the beginnings of such a system, according to its ads; I think it's Mercedes-Benz. Usually Volvo is the one at the forefront of such innovations, but not this time.

This concerns me to some extent because it encourages further passivity on the part of drivers, who already don't pay enough attention to what they're doing.
One company already has the beginnings of such a system, according to its ads; I think it's Mercedes-Benz. Usually Volvo is the one at the forefront of such innovations, but not this time.

This concerns me to some extent because it encourages further passivity on the part of drivers, who already don't pay enough attention to what they're doing.

A system like I described? Or a different uncrashable system?
imagine in the future when we have flying cars, and there is still drunk driving. It's going to be an interesting world.
In the future, nearly every car will have a GPS system. And I also predict that entire states are going to be covered with WiMax internet coverage.

So, we could hook every car up to the internet, and allow them to talk to each other, and install a computer on each one that could detect and prevent crashes. For instance, if you turn your car towards a wall and floor it, the computer could cut off the gas and ask if you REALLY want to do that. If, possibly, some guy going by the name of "watermark" were to forget where he was, wind up about five miles from where he wanted to be, say "Fuck", and drive forward without seeing a huge-ass truck about to run into him, the computer could detect the likely collision that would result and stop it.

For privacy concerns the system could always be turned off. You would just be financially (and criminally) responsible for any preventable crashes that happened because you had it off.


why don't we just bottle everybody up in a jar of saline fluid, stick an esophogial tube down their throat, induce a coma, then hook them up to a rack of batteries and call it the matrix!!
you know, this prediction is quite plausible, scary...

i'm sure the insurance companies would love it and they would probably include a clause in your policy that if you turn off the 1984 controls...your policy will not cover any accidents
you know, this prediction is quite plausible, scary...

i'm sure the insurance companies would love it and they would probably include a clause in your policy that if you turn off the 1984 controls...your policy will not cover any accidents

You could always buy insurance that covers the accidents and people that you murdered because of your paranoia. I hope the insurance rates are sky-high so that we can bankrupt the Libertarian Party.
Volvo is developing a system that relies on a sonar like system. Which is probably better, because of all the lunatic Libertarians who would murder people by turning off the safety system. This way, you could detect lunatic Libertarians. It would be preferable if the car were designed to cause maximum damage to Libertarian cars during a crash.
Hooking up cars together on the internet would be more efficient though. When a car is about to avoid a collision, it could tell the cars around it, and they could take appropriate reaction. Without inter-communication, the computer would also have to cope with stupid libertarians crashing into your bumper.
If someone insults spurt on it - could go to a hundred.

Just watch.

why are you following me around and talking about me almost nonstop? i don't mind garden variety insults darla, accusing someone of jackign off to rape is beyond the pale and you got called on it, you're just mad because most people agreed that your insult was beyond the pale
why are you following me around and talking about me almost nonstop? i don't mind garden variety insults darla, accusing someone of jackign off to rape is beyond the pale and you got called on it, you're just mad because most people agreed that your insult was beyond the pale

You jack off to rape.