An idea

The biggest problem with this is the inherently Orwellian nature of tracking everyone. Which is why I proposed a decentralized system instead of a monolithic government run one. But it's easy to come up with slippery slopes about how the government could make it mandatory, ban anonymity, and then collect the information from its monolithic computer anyway. Maybe we could have an inalterable constitutional amendment against practices like that.

Well I don't like the tracking part of it, but it could be set up to maximize fuel economy by keeping traffic flowing rather than stop and go. Since the computer can react faster than a person and have knowledge about what is happening 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, cars ahead, the traffic could be more dense - basically bumper to bumper at speed - with smoother merges, ingress / egress.
Well I don't like the tracking part of it, but it could be set up to maximize fuel economy by keeping traffic flowing rather than stop and go. Since the computer can react faster than a person and have knowledge about what is happening 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, cars ahead, the traffic could be more dense - basically bumper to bumper at speed - with smoother merges, ingress / egress.

I think that the main part of the system could be with the sonar system like Volvo wants. If the main part of the safety system wasn't the tracking part the government would have no excuse to make it mandatory or monitor it at all. Also, it would pick up cars that didn't want to share their coordinates. Cars sharing GPS coordinates and talking to each other to better avert crashes and insure smooth flow of traffic could be a secondary, optional part of the system.
I thought you quoted Watermark, but either way they are genking your chain to get a reaction. It entertains them.

My bf is in Washingon DC until Wednesday morning. And there is no business, not even my networking groups, this week. You know how I get when I am bored. I can't help it. It keeps me off of the streets and out of trouble though.