An idea

Oh I would never listen to a book on tape. That's not reading.
True, but it is better than having to pay attention to driving. You could watch movies, hold real conversations, talk on the phone without hurting anybody.

I'd love to have my car do the boring part while I used the time for more personal things.
i'm sure you have some rape jokes you'd like to share :pke: Raep

(remove space after the slash to see the link; may contain pornography)


Rape, also known as surprise sex or black sex, is an extreme sport described as "the act of pwning with a penis". It was part of all animal's life cycles until about 100 years ago, when butthurt ugly feminists with penis envy permabanned rape and all acts of cock pwnage. However, shouting "SURPRISE!" just before carrying out teh act of rape negates its illegality in the eyes of the law in 99.9% of countries in the world.
True, but it is better than having to pay attention to driving. You could watch movies, hold real conversations, talk on the phone without hurting anybody.

I'd love to have my car do the boring part while I used the time for more personal things.

i can see times that would be nice, i can also see times that i just want to drive. i can't count the times when life seems to get the best of me and i hit the road....get behind the wheel, turn the stereo up and drive. for some reason when i do this, life gets in perspective.

i can't imagine how different the experience of driving off to college a thousand plus miles away would have been had my car done all the driving and of course did not break down twice in the middle of nowhere....
i can see times that would be nice, i can also see times that i just want to drive. i can't count the times when life seems to get the best of me and i hit the road....get behind the wheel, turn the stereo up and drive. for some reason when i do this, life gets in perspective.

i can't imagine how different the experience of driving off to college a thousand plus miles away would have been had my car done all the driving and of course did not break down twice in the middle of nowhere....

LOL you could always go into manual mode with the sonar, or manual mode without.
same here...what is up with that? is it the motion? i see people reading in cars and it makes me nauseous...

It's an inner ear thing. I'd suspect that people who react this way also would be likely to get seasick.
It's an inner ear thing. I'd suspect that people who react this way also would be likely to get seasick.

interestingly enough, i do not get a kid i did get car sick...but i have never been sea sick...and i lived in the marshall islands for a year...and the "road" between majuro and the outer island is 14 miles of deep sea that is often time i was on this 20 foot boomer and the islanders were getting sick...admittedly i nearly barfed, but i didn't....the look on their faces that the land lubber didn't get sick was priceless...but in all honesty, other than that i never got sea sick.
interestingly enough, i do not get a kid i did get car sick...but i have never been sea sick...and i lived in the marshall islands for a year...and the "road" between majuro and the outer island is 14 miles of deep sea that is often time i was on this 20 foot boomer and the islanders were getting sick...admittedly i nearly barfed, but i didn't....the look on their faces that the land lubber didn't get sick was priceless...but in all honesty, other than that i never got sea sick.

If you were topside during the rough weather it would make a difference.

Often what makes people feel ill is that part of their senses are telling them that they are moving and part of their senses are saying they are not. The conflict produces some motion sickness symptoms.

When on rough water, if you can see outside you have less problems. Its the same with riding. You said you got motion sickness when you were reading, that is when your eyes were not looking out.
Oh I would never listen to a book on tape. That's not reading.

No, its not reading. But it is entertainment.

I have put as many miles on the road as many truckers, and books on tape or cd have made it much more bearable. Not great literature, but a story I can follow and enjoy.
In the future, nearly every car will have a GPS system. And I also predict that entire states are going to be covered with WiMax internet coverage.

So, we could hook every car up to the internet, and allow them to talk to each other, and install a computer on each one that could detect and prevent crashes. For instance, if you turn your car towards a wall and floor it, the computer could cut off the gas and ask if you REALLY want to do that. If, possibly, some guy going by the name of "watermark" were to forget where he was, wind up about five miles from where he wanted to be, say "Fuck", and drive forward without seeing a huge-ass truck about to run into him, the computer could detect the likely collision that would result and stop it.

For privacy concerns the system could always be turned off. You would just be financially (and criminally) responsible for any preventable crashes that happened because you had it off.


More likely that cars would detect cars suddenly stopping in front of them and auto hit the brakes, your idea is cool but I think will be stopped by lawsuits for the bugs that would come from such a complex system, but who knows?
Just remember that ideas are great, just don't go forcing them through government when they don't come to freedom is more important than your idea.

"We suffer most when the White House busts with ideas." – H.L. Mencken