Anatomy of Anatta/Dukkha/Tiny1


Verified User
So, just like I had said over and over, the moment these Conservatives start realizing they fucked up, is the moment they create brand new IDs to argue the same stupid points from before, but in a different "voice" ostensibly to make people think that there's more support for their crap than there actually is.

So, in the midst of a thread where anatta/dukkha/tiny1 are posting, they run into the trap of posting a link they didn't read, that doesn't help their argument and in fact, makes their position worse.

When this is pointed out, as it was in the thread, suddenly anatta/dukkha/tiny1 says they have to leave right away, which is a weird thing to say mid-argument. The moment after they leave, a brand new ID pops up, using pretty much the same posting style and voice, that happened to "discover" the board and just so happens to find themselves agreeing, parroting, even repeating word for word the same defenses they've been using this whole time.

Yanno, I hate to come here on my first post, and bust people's bubbles, but if President Trump were as obviously guilty as the left here is trying to assert, Pence would already be President and Trump would be wearing Striped Pajamas.
The Truth is, that withholding aid to a country is not illegal. It is Trump's prerogative. In fact, Quid pro quo isn't illegal, either.
Now, if anyone here can be honest with themselves, which I doubt, and put their hatred aside, riddle me this. It is obvious to the neutral observer, that the left has been lying and spinning ever since Trump was duly elected, much the same way the right reacted to Obama, just not as rabidly. The talk of impeachment was leveled BEFORE the 2016 General Election. Apparently, something triggered the left into a meltdown. Why?
As an Independent, I am one of the ones who elected President Trump. We all know that no President can be elected without aid from the Independents. I have watched as the left continues to alienate and marginalize the Indy Voters. We are becoming more and more irritated at the left. For three years, all y'all have done is cry about Trump. Do you remember the left's reaction to the Hillary Loss? Screaming rooms, safe spaces, Newscasters Crying tears, college kids melting down across the country. And all the Chicken Littles screaming "The Sky is Falling! The Sky is Falling!" Guess what? The Sky didn't fall. In fact, the American Worker is much better off, now.
Yep, the only one in Washington doing anything for the American People is Trump. The Republicans sit on their hands, thinking of ways to battle the Left. The Dems are obsessed with Impeaching Trump, and have neglected their Duties to their constituents. They should be working on Immigration and Border Security, Infrastructure, Energy Policy, Health care, and any other pressing issue facing American Families. But for three years, they've been chasing their tails.
I am no genius and even I know this Impeachment Nonsense is going NOWHERE. You should recognize that too, and get ready, since no sitting President has ever been removed by Impeachment, and No Incumbent President has ever been voted out, under a Booming Economy and the economy is Booming.
But, I guess you can Dream On. It is your right.

A crybaby libtard posted it....

You are so weak and so shameless that rather than admit you made an error in judgment, you create imaginary friends to give yourselves comfort.

Just fuckin' kill yourself already. It's clear that's where you're headed. That seems to be your future. So you might as well do it now.
Dukkha = Russian Troll.

Yeah, it seems pretty obvious at this point. All the sock accounts, the repeating of Kremlin propaganda, the stilted language used in the posts that doesn't really seem like that of a native English-speaker...

Most of the Cons on this board I think are actual dimwits. But there are a few, like anatta, that I think are foreign propagandists.

Grokmaster is another one. Literally putting their posts through google translators and then copying and pasting the responses into the reply.

I truly want to know if they think this is convincing anyone?
We are under attack by the Russian Federation. Sending in Agents from their Troll Farms to sway public perception.
"The web brigades, also known as Russia's troll army, Russian bots, Putinbots, Kremlinbots, troll factory, Social bot, Lakhta trolls or troll farms are state-sponsored anonymous Internet political commentators and trolls linked to the Russian government. Wikipedia"
Some are hard to spot. Their basic message is 'Death to America'.
Yeah, it seems pretty obvious at this point. All the sock accounts, the repeating of Kremlin propaganda, the stilted language used in the posts that doesn't really seem like that of a native English-speaker...

Most of the Cons on this board I think are actual dimwits. But there are a few, like anatta, that I think are foreign propagandists.

Grokmaster is another one. Literally putting their posts through google translators and then copying and pasting the responses into the reply.

I truly want to know if they think this is convincing anyone?

Schlockmonster posts REAL BIG and BOLD to make his bull cap MORE TRUE. He uses a fierce dinosaur image and big fonts because in reality he is a dwarf from the Russkie circus.
Dark, Darth, grok, Sailor, and a few more, plus any new ID...….all Russian trolls

comrade supervizky should be pissed!

not sure if any of em are actual braindead American conservatives

most of them:

Callinectes Ocasio-Cortez
Getin the ring
Havana Moon
Into the Night
OG Yurt
RB 60
Teflon Don
Dark, Darth, grok, Sailor, and a few more, plus any new ID...….all Russian trolls

comrade supervizky should be pissed!

not sure if any of em are actual braindead American conservatives

most of them:

Callinectes Ocasio-Cortez
Getin the ring
Havana Moon
Into the Night
OG Yurt
RB 60
Teflon Don

I'm English you fucking numbskull!!
So, just like I had said over and over, the moment these Conservatives start realizing they fucked up, is the moment they create brand new IDs to argue the same stupid points from before, but in a different "voice" ostensibly to make people think that there's more support for their crap than there actually is.

So, in the midst of a thread where anatta/dukkha/tiny1 are posting, they run into the trap of posting a link they didn't read, that doesn't help their argument and in fact, makes their position worse.

When this is pointed out, as it was in the thread, suddenly anatta/dukkha/tiny1 says they have to leave right away, which is a weird thing to say mid-argument. The moment after they leave, a brand new ID pops up, using pretty much the same posting style and voice, that happened to "discover" the board and just so happens to find themselves agreeing, parroting, even repeating word for word the same defenses they've been using this whole time.


You're a brainless Millennial twat, just fuck off!
We are under attack by the Russian Federation. Sending in Agents from their Troll Farms to sway public perception.
"The web brigades, also known as Russia's troll army, Russian bots, Putinbots, Kremlinbots, troll factory, Social bot, Lakhta trolls or troll farms are state-sponsored anonymous Internet political commentators and trolls linked to the Russian government. Wikipedia"
Some are hard to spot. Their basic message is 'Death to America'.

The condotel where I am staying is full of Russians, miserable sods when sober. Some very nice looking women around the pool most days, plenty of buxom blondes in bikinis. Not sure where they keep the wires to record conversations though, any ideas?
You are so weak and so shameless that rather than admit you made an error in judgment, you create imaginary friends to give yourselves comfort.

Just fuckin' kill yourself already. It's clear that's where you're headed. That seems to be your future. So you might as well do it now.

What an obnoxious cunt,!!
So, just like I had said over and over, the moment these Conservatives start realizing they fucked up, is the moment they create brand new IDs to argue the same stupid points from before, but in a different "voice" ostensibly to make people think that there's more support for their crap than there actually is.

So, in the midst of a thread where anatta/dukkha/tiny1 are posting, they run into the trap of posting a link they didn't read, that doesn't help their argument and in fact, makes their position worse.

When this is pointed out, as it was in the thread, suddenly anatta/dukkha/tiny1 says they have to leave right away, which is a weird thing to say mid-argument. The moment after they leave, a brand new ID pops up, using pretty much the same posting style and voice, that happened to "discover" the board and just so happens to find themselves agreeing, parroting, even repeating word for word the same defenses they've been using this whole time.
jesus you are one weird fuck!

I was planning on going swimming like I do every evening at dusk. I go at dusk if possible to avoid sun.
So i was responding to Cinnabars thread -I didn't post to you at first,you did to me. I answered as much as I had time for. I even gave you the courtesy of notifying I would not be able to post more.

So, in the midst of a thread where anatta/dukkha/tiny1 are posting, they run into the trap of posting a link they didn't read, that doesn't help their argument and in fact, makes their position worse.
another of your usual lies. you seized on "top down", when I showed you Chalupa was working at the Diplomatic level.
I gave you a quick redact from the article showing you the nexus of players.

You are a fucking nut case. starting a thread about me not finishing up a thread to your satisfaction.
Then this insanity about another sock, and WTF else junk you conjure up in your fevered brain is not my problem