Anatomy of Anatta/Dukkha/Tiny1

Yeah, it seems pretty obvious at this point. All the sock accounts, the repeating of Kremlin propaganda, the stilted language used in the posts that doesn't really seem like that of a native English-speaker...

Most of the Cons on this board I think are actual dimwits. But there are a few, like anatta, that I think are foreign propagandists.

Grokmaster is another one. Literally putting their posts through google translators and then copying and pasting the responses into the reply.

I truly want to know if they think this is convincing anyone?

Typical usage of point the finger where you are actually to blame, the people who like your posts are also Russian Hacks, and trolls for the DNC!
jesus you are one weird fuck!

I was planning on going swimming like I do every evening at dusk. I go at dusk if possible to avoid sun.
So i was responding to Cinnabars thread -I didn't post to you at first,you did to me. I answered as much as I had time for. I even gave you the courtesy of notifying I would not be able to post more.

another of your usual lies. you seized on "top down", when I showed you Chalupa was working at the Diplomatic level.
I gave you a quick redact from the article showing you the nexus of players.

You are a fucking nut case. starting a thread about me not finishing up a thread to your satisfaction.
Then this insanity about another sock, and WTF else junk you conjure up in your fevered brain is not my problem

OK Boomer

So it's guess it's just a coincidence that the moment you retreat from the debate, a brand new ID shows up and speaks in your voice, parroting your shitty talking points, trying to manipulate people into not supporting impeachment because it makes you look bad.
Typical usage of point the finger where you are actually to blame, the people who like your posts are also Russian Hacks, and trolls for the DNC!

Nice try...maybe you can explain why anatta was feverishly posting for hours, but then the moment they were caught by their own incompetence, suddenly they have to leave and a brand new account, with no prior posts -literally brand new that second- appears and starts repeating and restating the same weak case anatta has been doing for years?
Nice try...maybe you can explain why anatta was feverishly posting for hours, but then the moment they were caught by their own incompetence, suddenly they have to leave and a brand new account, with no prior posts -literally brand new that second- appears and starts repeating and restating the same weak case anatta has been doing for years?

Maybe you could explain why you have never once defended yourself when being called a Russian hack by myself? Because it's true!!!!!!! When we expose all of you, it will be painful, yet fun, to watch you hanged by the neck, or lined up for a firing squad you seditious scumbag!
Maybe you could explain why you have never once defended yourself when being called a Russian hack by myself? Because it's true!!!!!!! When we expose all of you, it will be painful, yet fun, to watch you hanged by the neck, or lined up for a firing squad you seditious scumbag!

Stop being a crybaby, screeching for accommodation of your bad faith because you cannot make a legitimate argument here without making shit up about yourself, or others.
Nice try...maybe you can explain why anatta was feverishly posting for hours, but then the moment they were caught by their own incompetence, suddenly they have to leave and a brand new account, with no prior posts -literally brand new that second- appears and starts repeating and restating the same weak case anatta has been doing for years?
no i wasn't "posting for hours" This board is a shithole -I don't rarely spend that time here anymore.
This threads in garbage like so many and too many posters are nasty cunts and retards.
OK Boomer

So it's guess it's just a coincidence that the moment you retreat from the debate, a brand new ID shows up and speaks in your voice, parroting your shitty talking points, trying to manipulate people into not supporting impeachment because it makes you look bad.
It's probably your shitty karma at work.. stop obsessing. maybe that will help
no i wasn't "posting for hours" This board is a shithole -I don't rarely spend that time here anymore.
This threads in garbage like so many and too many posters are nasty cunts and retards.

Why are you bullshitting?

You're on these boards every day, for hours.

Maybe you think that because you switch IDs, no one notices.

We notice.

You're so desperate that you literally create imaginary people to agree with you.
Why are you bullshitting?

You're on these boards every day, for hours.

Maybe you think that because you switch IDs, no one notices.

We notice.

You're so desperate that you literally create imaginary people to agree with you.
I am not. I'm here off and on in the morning. and late night when the nut's are sleeping.

You have paranoid delusions :
Paranoid delusions, also called delusions of persecution, reflect profound fear and anxiety along with the loss of the ability to tell what's real and what's not real.
I am not. I'm here off and on in the morning. and late night when the nut's are sleeping.

You have paranoid delusions :
Paranoid delusions, also called delusions of persecution, reflect profound fear and anxiety along with the loss of the ability to tell what's real and what's not real.


We can just go and look at your numerous accounts and see how frequently you post.

All you do is lie when you come on here; you're pathological! You simply cannot help but be compelled to lie and bullshit on a daily basis.

Do you think everyone is as foolish and lazy as you?

We can just go and look at your numerous accounts and see how frequently you post.

All you do is lie when you come on here; you're pathological! You simply cannot help but be compelled to lie and bullshit on a daily basis.

Do you think everyone is as foolish and lazy as you?
.. compile a list...back up your bullshit claims
.. compile a list...back up your bullshit claims

You backed up my claim for me when you created this Tiny1 ID because you were losing the debate on this thread, and you're so fragile you couldn't handle it.