Anatomy of Anatta/Dukkha/Tiny1

da Comrade. you have found out the pravda of the matter. Vlad will not be happy i am exposed!

HAHAHAHAHA you see it's funny because you actually are a foreign propagandist who thinks he's fooling people with his multiple accounts and fake supporters HAHAHAHAHAHA

Good joke

everybody laugh

roll on snare

you idiot. you referred to the "invisible hand" that has to be Adam Smith -correct?

You stupidly said that capitalism doesn't require any central planning or distribution of resources except that is precisely the job description of a COO.

So not only are you faking support for yourself on these boards, you're not even knowledgeable about this economic system to which you're arguing in defense of.

You're a joke. A lazy joke.
So there's no real reason, you just have two accounts so you can inflate your own thanks and ego by agreeing with yourself.
yet you will not find "dukkha" posting to "annata" in agreement. I do not post to myself thru 2 accounts.

There is a reason why I have a accounts -but that ain't it!! ROFL
you idiot. you referred to the "invisible hand" that has to be Adam Smith -correct?
So I answered that the CAPITALIST SYSTEM does "not require central planning" -as a opposed to a command economy -do you understand this basic concept?

Look at you move the bar and redefine what you meant.

You do that all the time.

You step in it, then have to spend all your time arguing that I misunderstood you, when you made the posts yourself.

So you have to walk back and redefine things, sometimes multiple times, and that just shows that you're not really putting any thought into this; you're just being lazy.
IN THE SAME FASHION there is no delegation of resources by a central planner - surely your self described economic genius understands this basic concept of capitalism vs. a central planned economy?

I never once claimed to be a genius, but it's obvious that is what you think I am because of how I embarrass you into redefining the simplistic things you utter here, with no thought or foresight.

All I have to do is pull the chain and you just start going back on everything you said.

Do you even realize you're doing it?
You stupidly said that capitalism doesn't require any central planning or distribution of resources except that is precisely the job description of a COO.

So not only are you faking support for yourself on these boards, you're not even knowledgeable about this economic system to which you're arguing in defense of.

You're a joke. A lazy joke.
we are talking the SYSTEMS -specifically central planning from a government
where bureaucrats decide on allocation of resources.
This is an extremely basic difference between a command (central planning) economy, and capitalism
where the government regulates but does not delegate quotas etc.

a COO is a business entity WITHIN the system, and of course individual entities do delegate for their internal operations
your obsession with socks continue. You can either ask the mods who are pretty good identifying socks I am not "tiny1";

Wait -"pretty good?"

You just said before they could tell me flat out using your IP address that you're not also your socks.

So again you are redefining what you said before because you're scrambling and desperate, isn't that the case?

Of course you're Tiny1...and anatta...and dukkha...and however many other IDs you use here to agree with yourself when someone makes you feel insecure, like I did on that thread.

You're compulsive. That's always been my can't help yourself from lying because it's the only thing you know how to do.

or you can continue to call me a Russian asset like Hillary called Tulsi Gabbard the same' makes no difference to me.

See, I think it makes a huge difference with you. You need people to believe you're genuine, that way your disingenuous arguments can be accepted. Because if you were truthful and were like, "yeah, I'm doing this to make myself feel better about being wrong about everything and every choice I've made in my adult life", suddenly you don't get the thanks, you don't get the validation, you don't get the security from others.

So you fake it.
Look at you move the bar and redefine what you meant.

You do that all the time.

You step in it, then have to spend all your time arguing that I misunderstood you, when you made the posts yourself.

So you have to walk back and redefine things, sometimes multiple times, and that just shows that you're not really putting any thought into this; you're just being lazy.
I do not post like a lawyer in a depostion. I would as su me you understand the difference between a command economy, and a capitalist system when the government regulates, but does not delegate quotas/resources, etc.

As usual you are too busy trying to argue a minor point instead of seeing a bigger picture.
Which is another reason I do not take you seriously, you prefer to impugn and obsess over a minor point instead of
carrying on a debate in good faith of larger issues.
yet you will not find "dukkha" posting to "annata" in agreement. I do not post to myself thru 2 accounts.

There is a reason why I have a accounts -but that ain't it!! ROFL

You posted to the thread under Tiny, and you've switched IDs mid-thread before. Why?
we are talking the SYSTEMS -specifically central planning from a government

Another goalpost shift. This is my thread, my OP, so no, it's not what you said.

This is more of that "aid was held up"/"aid wasn't held up" doubletalk.

You literally said "capitalism doesn't require central planning or distribution of resources" and I laughably pointed out to you that is what a COO's job is, that's when you changed what you meant by shifting the goalposts.

Stop. It's embarrassing.
Wait -"pretty good?"

You just said before they could tell me flat out using your IP address that you're not also your socks.

So again you are redefining what you said before because you're scrambling and desperate, isn't that the case?

Of course you're Tiny1...and anatta...and dukkha...and however many other IDs you use here to agree with yourself when someone makes you feel insecure, like I did on that thread.

You're compulsive. That's always been my can't help yourself from lying because it's the only thing you know how to do.
the mods are good at sniffing out socks. if the word "pretty " causes you to derail-
i'll amend the remark to strike pretty.
and now once again the tedious nature of your posts coupled with your overwhelming delusions that da Russians
are posting thru me is why I am ending this exchange.

I need to go swimming early since it got cold last night,and the clouds are keeping out the sun
Make of that whatever conspiracy you desire

See, I think it makes a huge difference with you. You need people to believe you're genuine, that way your disingenuous arguments can be accepted. Because if you were truthful and were like, "yeah, I'm doing this to make myself feel better about being wrong about everything and every choice I've made in my adult life", suddenly you don't get the thanks, you don't get the validation, you don't get the security from others.
your Schizophrenia is showing. Now you are having full blown conversations with yourself,
but projecting that malady as coming from myself
a COO is a business entity WITHIN the system, and of course individual entities do delegate for their internal operations

A COO is an executive officer whose job it is to strategically and centrally plan the business' operations and use of resources.

The COO isn't an "entity".

You have no idea what you're talking about, do you?

All of this is off the top of your head, isn't it?

You're making this up as you go, aren't you?

Time to create a new ID, huh?
I do not post like a lawyer in a depostion. I would as su me you understand the difference between a command economy, and a capitalist system when the government regulates, but does not delegate quotas/resources, etc.

You didn't make any of those distinctions, you just stupidly says capitalism doesn't require central planning, except that every single business does require that.

The truth is that you don't know anything about this, and you're just making it up as you go, isn't it?
You posted to the thread under Tiny, and you've switched IDs mid-thread before. Why?
pure delusion. you continue to default to socks. I have told you the SAME THING FROM DAY 1.
I have 2 accounts only. you can accept that reality of continue your delusions - not my problem
You didn't make any of those distinctions, you just stupidly says capitalism doesn't require central planning, except that every single business does require that.

The truth is that you don't know anything about this, and you're just making it up as you go, isn't it?
Adam Smith as I mentioned was speaking about the invisible hand of capitalism - a SYSTEM
ergo it follows logically I was speaking of the SYSTEMS not individual entities within.

Your logic is as poor as your vocabulary. sad!
As usual you are too busy trying to argue a minor point instead of seeing a bigger picture.

So this is your style...

You say something demonstrably wrong, false, and/or exaggerated...

When you are confronted on that, on the choices you make, you scream that it's our fault for not understanding your simplicity and that we should take for granted that you meant what you meant when you said what you said....

When that strategy gets called out, you resort to denials, and then you literally run away...

Then you re-appear under a new ID, and just repeat all the same stupid shit you said before to make it appear genuine.

You're not even fooling your fellow right-wingers.
the mods are good at sniffing out socks. if the word "pretty " causes you to derail-

Whoa, whoa, claimed earlier they could definitively prove you weren't the holder of several sock accounts because of your IP.

Now you've moved those goalposts to say they are pretty good at sniffing out socks.

That's a huge change from saying before they could simply identify them using your IP.

So why are you bullshitting me?
Yeah, it seems pretty obvious at this point. All the sock accounts, the repeating of Kremlin propaganda, the stilted language used in the posts that doesn't really seem like that of a native English-speaker...

Most of the Cons on this board I think are actual dimwits. But there are a few, like anatta, that I think are foreign propagandists.

Grokmaster is another one. Literally putting their posts through google translators and then copying and pasting the responses into the reply.

I truly want to know if they think this is convincing anyone?

These are not russian trolls......they are good ole american white men repeating propaganda they have been told for decades.
Dark, Darth, grok, Sailor, and a few more, plus any new ID...….all Russian trolls

comrade supervizky should be pissed!

not sure if any of em are actual braindead American conservatives

most of them:

Callinectes Ocasio-Cortez
Getin the ring
Havana Moon
Into the Night
OG Yurt
RB 60
Teflon Don

i'll amend the remark to strike pretty.

You mean you'll redefine what you meant.

Which is the entire issue we are talking about.

So after saying one thing, you now say another, and you openly admit to redefining what you meant so as to make your shitty argument look better now. don't get a do-over.