Anatomy of Anatta/Dukkha/Tiny1

it's a complete freaking meltdown because the poor baby didn't get enough posts from me on a thread

No, I got plenty of shit posts from you on this thread, under this ID and others...

You ran away from the thread because you lost the throughline of your argument, saying the aid was held up, and then saying literally one post later that it wasn't.

When I pointed that out, that's when this "swimming" excuse came up, which was obviously fake because you've posted plenty of times at the exact time you claimed you always go swimming.

You backed up my claim for me when you created this Tiny1 ID because you were losing the debate on this thread, and you're so fragile you couldn't handle it.
ROFL...what you need to do is contact the mods for confirmation of IP address -then when they throw cold water
in your face immediately make an appointment for a shrink for your paranoid delusions
So, just like I had said over and over, the moment these Conservatives start realizing they fucked up, is the moment they create brand new IDs to argue the same stupid points from before, but in a different "voice" ostensibly to make people think that there's more support for their crap than there actually is.

So, in the midst of a thread where anatta/dukkha/tiny1 are posting, they run into the trap of posting a link they didn't read, that doesn't help their argument and in fact, makes their position worse.

When this is pointed out, as it was in the thread, suddenly anatta/dukkha/tiny1 says they have to leave right away, which is a weird thing to say mid-argument. The moment after they leave, a brand new ID pops up, using pretty much the same posting style and voice, that happened to "discover" the board and just so happens to find themselves agreeing, parroting, even repeating word for word the same defenses they've been using this whole time.


it's the art of the deal.
No, I got plenty of shit posts from you on this thread, under this ID and others...

You ran away from the thread because you lost the throughline of your argument, saying the aid was held up, and then saying literally one post later that it wasn't.

When I pointed that out, that's when this "swimming" excuse came up, which was obviously fake because you've posted plenty of times at the exact time you claimed you always go swimming.

your poor vocabulary skills are tripping you up.
I even defined it for you. "suspension of aid" is not witholding aid. the deadline was fiscal year 2019.

You are clearly losing your already tenuous grasp on reality - you need to show your claimed timeline of my posts
ROFL...what you need to do is contact the mods for confirmation of IP address -then when they throw cold water
in your face immediately make an appointment for a shrink for your paranoid delusions

STOP. We know what you're doing because you've done it before. That's why you have several different IDs.

You're not very convincing, and it's a very strange coincidence that the moment you get called on your bullshit, you suddenly have to go "swimming" at a time you say you always go, but that isn't consistent with when you post on this forum either under this ID, under Anatta, and now under Tiny1 (and who knows how many other fake accounts you have).

I don't understand what you think you're achieving by using these garbage tactics.
STOP. We know what you're doing because you've done it before. That's why you have several different IDs.

You're not very convincing, and it's a very strange coincidence that the moment you get called on your bullshit, you suddenly have to go "swimming" at a time you say you always go, but that isn't consistent with when you post on this forum either under this ID, under Anatta, and now under Tiny1 (and who knows how many other fake accounts you have).

I don't understand what you think you're achieving by using these garbage tactics.
you are deferring to socks because you are butt hurt I didn't stick around for one of your dishonest ( read lying) debates.

I told you long ago, i consider your tripe to be trash . Like your voodoo economics.
But i'll play along if I want to, and I won't if I don't. In other words I owe you nothing,and respect you even less
your poor vocabulary skills are tripping you up.
I even defined it for you. "suspension of aid" is not witholding aid. the deadline was fiscal year 2019.

You are clearly losing your already tenuous grasp on reality - you need to show your claimed timeline of my posts

Here's literally what you said:

The deadline was the end of fiscal year 2019 -Sept 30th which was met.
It was held up pending Trump making sure Zelensky was oriented towards Kyiv, and not Russia (Russian nationalists)

then you said this, literally one post later:

you cant understand the difference in held up or suspended -the aid was only temporarily suspended pending Trumps final OK. it was never "held up"
You are unable to hold 2 or more concurrent thoughts in your mind -work on that and get back to me

Then in that thread, I called you on that right here..and then immediately after, this "Tiny1" ID showed up, created that moment, posted once, then disappeared.

Who else could that have been, but you???????

I don't appreciate you thinking you can fool me with your bullshit. I'm not stupid or lazy like should know by now that I am deeply skeptical and wiling to do due diligence.

You walked right into the trap that you created for yourself.

Just admit it; admit that you fucked yourself on that thread, but you needed to save face so you created a fake account to re-shape your shitty argument in a different "voice" that was really just you being a faker.
you are deferring to socks because you are butt hurt I didn't stick around for one of your dishonest ( read lying) debates.

So now you admit they're sock accounts...that this "Tiny1" is your sock, isn't it?

Be honest, I can tell when you're lying.

I told you long ago, i consider your tripe to be trash . Like your voodoo economics.

You literally believe in a magical invisible hand.

But i'll play along if I want to, and I won't if I don't. In other words I owe you nothing,and respect you even less

You're a fucking fraud who creates imaginary people for the sole purpose of agreeing with yourself.

Here's literally what you said:

then you said this, literally one post later:

Then in that thread, I called you on that right here..and then immediately after, this "Tiny1" ID showed up, created that moment, posted once, then disappeared.

Who else could that have been, but you???????

I don't appreciate you thinking you can fool me with your bullshit. I'm not stupid or lazy like should know by now that I am deeply skeptical and wiling to do due diligence.
get cracking. I expect you to compose that timeline for your "proof' -which you can't do- so you invent socks.

The really funny part is I told you FROM THE BEGINNING I have 2 accounts I made no secret of it.
I confirmed it again and again.
Yet your paranoia IMMEDIATELY goes to a sock when something disturbs your delusions.

So you can either ask the mods for IP address confirmation I am not this tiny character,
or you can continue to impose your delusions upon yourself.
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So now you admit they're sock accounts...that this "Tiny1" is your sock, isn't it?
Be honest, I can tell when you're lying.
your vocabulary is non-existent' I said " so you defer to socks"
how in the fuck do you get I am "admitting to socks ( tiny) from that?
You literally believe in a magical invisible hand.
capitalism requires no central planning or delegation of resources if that is what you are fishing for?

You're a fucking fraud who creates imaginary people for the sole purpose of agreeing with yourself.
you need a sockectomy - get them out of your head
your vocabulary is non-existent' I said " so you defer to socks"

Let's be defer to your sock accounts, like you did on that thread when you created Tiny1, because of your personal insecurities and inadequacies. Had I not called you out for reversing your position literally in consecutive posts, you wouldn't have ducked out of the debate and created a new ID whose goal was to get people to stop talking about how fucking guilty Trump is and how stupid you were and are for supporting him this whole time.

You watching this hearing? It's devastating.

capitalism requires no central planning or delegation of resources if that is what you are fishing for?

Of course it requires that. Businesses require that of themselves! It's literally what a COO does.

Why are you faking all this shit on a message board? What are you hoping to really accomplish?

you need a sockectomy - get them out of your head

You rely on the socks as a means to hold yourself accountable for your own bullshit. You did it in that thread with "Tiny1" because I pointed out how you moved the goalposts and reversed your position, in consecutive posts.
get cracking. I expect you to compose that timeline for your "proof' -which you can't do- so you invent socks.



Not only did I compose the timeline and quoted your posts, but they also showed the second I posted that takedown, you created the Tiny1 account to deflect from what was happening on the thread.

You're such a fucking fraud, and you know it.
The really funny part is I told you FROM THE BEGINNING I have 2 accounts I made no secret of it.
I confirmed it again and again. Yet your paranoia IMMEDIATELY goes to a sock when something disturbs your delusions.

What I don't understand is why you say you have two accounts in the first place?

Why do you need two accounts? Simple; so you can agree with yourself.

And if you created two accounts, why wouldn't you create three? Or four? Or a dozen? You already created a second one, why stop there?

You've never given an explanation for why you have the two accounts you claim.

So you can either ask the mods for IP address confirmation I am not this tiny character,
or you can continue to impose your delusions upon yourself.

IP addresses can be faked and manipulated, and Russian trolls like yourself have been caught doing exactly that, just like Mueller's Volume 1 describes. All the tactics you use on JPP are straight out of Volume 1 of Mueller's report, even down to the fake accounts using fake voices to lend fake support.
What I don't understand is why you say you have two accounts in the first place?

Why do you need two accounts? Simple; so you can agree with yourself.

And if you created two accounts, why wouldn't you create three? Or four? Or a dozen? You already created a second one, why stop there?

You've never given an explanation for why you have the two accounts you claim.
that is correct. I have a reason for two accounts - I also told you before I am not going to spell it put for you as I'd much rather you sputter and work yourself up into a hysterical dervish trying to figure it out.
IOWs it amuses me greatly to see you claim multiple socks and invent reasons why I have them-
to justify your delusions toward yourself
IP addresses can be faked and manipulated, and Russian trolls like yourself have been caught doing exactly that, just like Mueller's Volume 1 describes. All the tactics you use on JPP are straight out of Volume 1 of Mueller's report, even down to the fake accounts using fake voices to lend fake support.
da Comrade. you have found out the pravda of the matter. Vlad will not be happy i am exposed! :rolleyes:
that is correct. I have a reason for two accounts - I also told you before I am not going to spell it put for you as I'd much rather you sputter and work yourself up into a hysterical dervish trying to figure it out.

So there's no real reason, you just have two accounts so you can inflate your own thanks and ego by agreeing with yourself.
IOWs it amuses me greatly to see you claim multiple socks and invent reasons why I have them-

No one believes you are amused by this, and everyone believes you are posturing and trying to demur away from a topic that clearly makes you uncomfortable.

The only reason to have more than one account here is to create a sense of broader support for you and your beliefs than actually exists.

All your deflections when pressed on this reveal the weakness of your defense.

I mean, you literally left the thread the post after I called out your reversal, and this new account, who parroted everything you've said before, showed up, posted once to try and derail the thread, then disappeared.
Of course it requires that. Businesses require that of themselves! It's literally what a COO does.
you idiot. you referred to the "invisible hand" that has to be Adam Smith -correct?
So I answered that the CAPITALIST SYSTEM does "not require central planning" -as a opposed to a command economy -do you understand this basic concept?

IN THE SAME FASHION there is no delegation of resources by a central planner - surely your self described economic genius understands this basic concept of capitalism vs. a central planned economy?
You rely on the socks as a means to hold yourself accountable for your own bullshit. You did it in that thread with "Tiny1" because I pointed out how you moved the goalposts and reversed your position, in consecutive posts.
your obsession with socks continue. You can either ask the mods who are pretty good identifying socks I am not "tiny1";
or you can continue to call me a Russian asset like Hillary called Tulsi Gabbard the same' makes no difference to me.