Anatomy of Anatta/Dukkha/Tiny1

pointing out your Schizophrenia is not "responding" to your internal diatribe.

Funny that, because here's the post:

Here's what you said: "or you can continue to call me a Russian asset like Hillary called Tulsi Gabbard the same' makes no difference to me."

And here's what I responded with after I quoted you in the above in my post: See, I think it makes a huge difference with you. You need people to believe you're genuine, that way your disingenuous arguments can be accepted. Because if you were truthful and were like, "yeah, I'm doing this to make myself feel better about being wrong about everything and every choice I've made in my adult life", suddenly you don't get the thanks, you don't get the validation, you don't get the security from others.

So you fake it."

So now what you're trying to do is lie your fat ass off again. But the thread is the thread.

What it looks like happened is that you rushed through a response to that post and were responding in the "Quick Reply", where what I quoted in the post doesn't show up because quotes in quotes don't show up in Quick Replies.

So now we have an example of you not only rushing and sloppily responding to posts, but actively trying to project your failings onto me because you fucked yourself with your ever-changing definitions and goalpost shifts.
i struck the word "pretty"

Even striking that is a goalpost shift because you said they could definitely do it with your IP, and then when you realized that I was onto the fake-IP address game (because I read the Mueller Report), you said they could "sniff" socks out.

So your style is to just inundate the board with bullshit, deliberately obfuscate the thread, and posture obtuseness when your strategy is outed.

What a fucking faker. you are AGREEING with yourself within the parameter of your schizophrenic conversation with yourself.


No, what happened was that you were trying to rush through a quick reply and didn't take the time to read the post where I quoted you and responded in kind.

This is what I quoted in that post:
or you can continue to call me a Russian asset like Hillary called Tulsi Gabbard the same' makes no difference to me.

Did you not say that, or did you forget to switch accounts before doing so? Because you definitely said it right here.

And then I quoted that right here, in my response that you deliberately lied about the context of because you're growing tired of me pointing out all your inconsistencies and fuckups.

You showed up to this gunfight armed with a flaccid pink dildo.
multiple personality disorder are different personalities in the same head. These are identical twins where the stronger absorbed the weaker in utero!
Funny that, because here's the post:

Here's what you said: "or you can continue to call me a Russian asset like Hillary called Tulsi Gabbard the same' makes no difference to me."

And here's what I responded with after I quoted you in the above in my post: See, I think it makes a huge difference with you. You need people to believe you're genuine, that way your disingenuous arguments can be accepted. Because if you were truthful and were like, "yeah, I'm doing this to make myself feel better about being wrong about everything and every choice I've made in my adult life", suddenly you don't get the thanks, you don't get the validation, you don't get the security from others.

So you fake it."

So now what you're trying to do is lie your fat ass off again. But the thread is the thread.

What it looks like happened is that you rushed through a response to that post and were responding in the "Quick Reply", where what I quoted in the post doesn't show up because quotes in quotes don't show up in Quick Replies.

So now we have an example of you not only rushing and sloppily responding to posts, but actively trying to project your failings onto me because you fucked yourself with your ever-changing definitions and goalpost shifts.
psychological projection from you on my motives -"You need people to believe you're genuine,"
is not worth anything especially considering you have posted your self talking to yourself.

My diagnosis is hebephrenic ( dissociative) schizophrenia; but of course I am not like the "psychiatrists"
who claim to diagnose Trump from afar.

I can only urge you to seek professional help based on your Russiaphobic paranoia that I am a Russian asset.
And of course your constant go to of my "socks" -iike tiny1 -where a simple PM to mods would clear up your fantasies
psychological projection from you on my motives -"You need people to believe you're genuine,"

Hold on...back up...we have to resolve your last lie, that I was responding to myself when I was actually responding to you, even quoting you directly in the response.

So before we have you shift goalposts again, you have to answer for why you said what you said before.

So why did you say that? Why did you lie, knowing that my response was directly to you, even quoting you directly? What did you hope to accomplish by lying like that?
is not worth anything especially considering you have posted your self talking to yourself.

No, I was talking to you. Did you not say this, or are you the one with multiple personalities and alter egos:

You can either ask the mods who are pretty good identifying socks I am not "tiny1";
or you can continue to call me a Russian asset like Hillary called Tulsi Gabbard the same' makes no difference to me.

The thread shows you did. So why did you lie and say that I said that, when it clearly was you who said it?

Simple; because you know you're fucked. I outed you. I caught you, and you're trying every obfuscation you can to hide that.

My diagnosis is hebephrenic ( dissociative) schizophrenia; but of course I am not like the "psychiatrists"
who claim to diagnose Drumpf from afar.

See how I quoted you right above? That's what I did on the other thread where you accused me of talking to myself.

In fact, haven't you responded to yourself here before? Why yes, you have. And you responded to yourself under a different ID.

Well, here's the can't seem to keep which profile you're speaking in straight, nor can you remember what you say from post-to-post, even though you can just scroll up and see what you said. But you don't do that. Why? Because your job isn't to be truthful, honest, or act in good faith. Your goal is to propagandize. That's why you have all the IDs.
I can only urge you to seek professional help based on your Russiaphobic paranoia that I am a Russian asset.
And of course your constant go to of my "socks" -iike tiny1 -where a simple PM to mods would clear up your fantasies

How will they do that when the Mueller Report Volume 1 says that Russians disguised and hid their IP addresses with fake ones as they were pretending to be Americans on social media?
Hold on...back up...we have to resolve your last lie, that I was responding to myself when I was actually responding to you, even quoting you directly in the response.
you were debating with yourself -quoting me in your internal conversation doesn't change the fact, and then you answered yourself as well
How will they do that when the Mueller Report Volume 1 says that Russians disguised and hid their IP addresses with fake ones as they were pretending to be Americans on social media?
Mueller was a worthless report.
Mueller’s report conspicuously does not allege that the Russian government carried out the social media campaign. Instead it blames, as Mueller said in his closing remarks, "a private Russian entity" known as the Internet Research Agency (IRA).
you were debating with yourself -quoting me in your internal conversation doesn't change the fact, and then you answered yourself as well

Nope. Wrong.

I was debating you and you rushed through Quick Reply, which is why you thought this:

See, I think it makes a huge difference with you. You need people to believe you're genuine, that way your disingenuous arguments can be accepted. Because if you were truthful and were like, "yeah, I'm doing this to make myself feel better about being wrong about everything and every choice I've made in my adult life", suddenly you don't get the thanks, you don't get the validation, you don't get the security from others.

So you fake it.

Was in response to nothing, when it was actually in response to this, which was quoted in my post:

or you can continue to call me a Russian asset like Hillary called Tulsi Gabbard the same' makes no difference to me.

So you arrogantly demanded I accommodate you by producing the timeline, and when I do you turn tail like a fucking sloppy coward and run away.

BTW - you said you were going swimming two hours ago...yet you've been posting this whole time.


Which means your swimming excuse from yesterday was also a lie.

Which means Tiny1 is another one of your sock accounts.

So if you lied about something as inconsequential as going swimming, what else are you lying about?
Nope. Wrong.

I was debating you and you rushed through Quick Reply, which is why you thought this:

Was in response to nothing, when it was actually in response to this, which was quoted in my post:

So you arrogantly demanded I accommodate you by producing the timeline, and when I do you turn tail like a fucking sloppy coward and run away.

BTW - you said you were going swimming two hours ago...yet you've been posting this whole time.


Which means your swimming excuse from yesterday was also a lie.

Which means Tiny1 is another one of your sock accounts.

So if you lied about something as inconsequential as going swimming, what else are you lying about?
I'm going swimming now..something came up. other then this I am extremely bored with this conversation.
it's the same tedious shifting of goal posts and argumentum without purpose from you..

Now you can call me a liar, and a Russian asset as you always do -it's so hilarious you and Hillary are on the same page of calling everyone "Russian assets"
Birds of a feather i suppose..
I'm going swimming now..something came up. other then this I am extremely bored with this conversation.

No one believes that. What everyone does believe is that you are faking excuses and ditching threads you got pwned in.

You're not bored by this conversation -how could you be bored when it's a conversation about you- you're afraid of it. Afraid because you know that if I pull at this thread, your entire persona and strategy unravels here. That you're just some lazy propagandist, who is really fucking terrible at it, that thinks they can glide by on privilege and entitlement, even as you make a mockery of your own posts and positions.

You keep moving the goalposts, you literally created a sock account on the fly because of how bad you were faring in the debate yesterday, you lie about leaving the thread to go swimming when we know you were just bullshitting about it. Besides, it's too late for you to go swimming now! TOO COLD OUT. That's why you said 2 hours ago that you were going swimming because it would be too cold to do so by now.

How is it that I have a better memory of what you write than you do? Simple; you don't give a shit about any of're just punching the clock, or getting paid on volume because anyone who paid you on substance would be wasting their money.
No one believes that. What everyone does believe is that you are faking excuses and ditching threads you got pwned in.

You're not bored by this conversation -how could you be bored when it's a conversation about you- you're afraid of it. Afraid because you know that if I pull at this thread, your entire persona and strategy unravels here. That you're just some lazy propagandist, who is really fucking terrible at it, that thinks they can glide by on privilege and entitlement, even as you make a mockery of your own posts and positions.

You keep moving the goalposts, you literally created a sock account on the fly because of how bad you were faring in the debate yesterday, you lie about leaving the thread to go swimming when we know you were just bullshitting about it. Besides, it's too late for you to go swimming now! TOO COLD OUT. That's why you said 2 hours ago that you were going swimming because it would be too cold to do so by now.

How is it that I have a better memory of what you write than you do? Simple; you don't give a shit about any of're just punching the clock, or getting paid on volume because anyone who paid you on substance would be wasting their money.

You're a fucking lunatic even worse than Desh or Reagan's Arsewipe.