Anatomy of Anatta/Dukkha/Tiny1

So this is your style...

You say something demonstrably wrong, false, and/or exaggerated...

When you are confronted on that, on the choices you make, you scream that it's our fault for not understanding your simplicity and that we should take for granted that you meant what you meant when you said what you said....

When that strategy gets called out, you resort to denials, and then you literally run away...

Then you re-appear under a new ID, and just repeat all the same stupid shit you said before to make it appear genuine.

You're not even fooling your fellow right-wingers.
I've been posting with this guy for well over a decade. He has one or two IDs and he has always openly admitted to them.

He is not Mason.
jesus you are one weird fuck!

I was planning on going swimming like I do every evening at dusk. I go at dusk if possible to avoid sun.
So i was responding to Cinnabars thread -I didn't post to you at first,you did to me. I answered as much as I had time for. I even gave you the courtesy of notifying I would not be able to post more.

another of your usual lies. you seized on "top down", when I showed you Chalupa was working at the Diplomatic level.
I gave you a quick redact from the article showing you the nexus of players.

You are a fucking nut case. starting a thread about me not finishing up a thread to your satisfaction.
Then this insanity about another sock, and WTF else junk you conjure up in your fevered brain is not my problem

yup, this is cosmicrocker, annata, noise etc.........the same racist fuck from the old boards.
and now once again the tedious nature of your posts coupled with your overwhelming delusions that da Russians
are posting thru me is why I am ending this exchange.

No, you're ending the exchange because you simply can't help yourself from eating the shit pie you baked.

There is nothing genuine about you.

I need to go swimming early since it got cold last night,and the clouds are keeping out the sun
Make of that whatever conspiracy you desire


And cue the brand new ID that just discovered this board and my thread and is absolutely turned off by how I attack you, and that's why that new ID supports Trump....
your Schizophrenia is showing. Now you are having full blown conversations with yourself,
but projecting that malady as coming from myself

Why are you responding to it, then, if it wasn't directed at you?


You're terrible at this.
Why are you responding to it, then, if it wasn't directed at you?


You're terrible at this.
pointing out your Schizophrenia is not "responding" to your internal diatribe.

Your vocabulary is piss poor to the point you don't even understand for yourself what you are doing
You mean you'll redefine what you meant.

Which is the entire issue we are talking about.

So after saying one thing, you now say another, and you openly admit to redefining what you meant so as to make your shitty argument look better now. don't get a do-over.
striking one word is not "redefining". you are completely lost.
You could simply PM the mods and find out for yourself I have only 1 IP address.

assuming you can come to agreement with your alter ego ( your secondary or alternative personality) to do so.
pointing out your Schizophrenia is not "responding" to your internal diatribe.

But it was directed at you, and there's no genuine way to argue it wasn't.

So again, you're doing that shitty thing of digging your own hole deeper because you're either too lazy to remember what you said, or too stupid to know not to say it.

I thought you were going swimming? Was that just another lie?
But it was directed at you, and there's no genuine way to argue it wasn't.

So again, you're doing that shitty thing of digging your own hole deeper because you're either too lazy to remember what you said, or too stupid to know not to say it.

I thought you were going swimming? Was that just another lie?
you were debating with yourself..
whether you think you were referring to me is something you'll have to work thru in therapy
striking one word is not "redefining". you are completely lost.
You could simply PM the mods and find out for yourself I have only 1 IP address
assuming you can come to agreement with your alter ego ( your secondary or alternative personality) to do so.

See, look at you flip back and forth!

First you said they could identify you using the IP address...

Then you said they were "pretty good" at sniffing out socks...

Now you've gone back to the IP thing, but the problem with that is that the IRA was able to mask their IP addresses, just like Volume 1 (of the report you refuse to read because you're a coward) says.

So we are left with nothing but your word that you are who you claim to be; and why the fuck should anyone take you at your word?
Иван, ты получил памятку, мы должны начать использовать эти обновленные тезисы Путина, или они отправят нас всех в ГУЛАГ. .. дерьма, я ударил отправить на капиталистический сервер свиньи в США...uh uh, hi, I am new here and I'd like to introduce myself to you favor, kind persons!
assuming you can come to agreement with your alter ego ( your secondary or alternative personality) to do so.

So your strategy is to project your shortcomings on others so you can slide away from the debate you clearly lost.

You're the one who admitted to multiple accounts, including an alter ego called "Anatta".

But we know your accounts don't end there; you created Tiny1 just to try and disrupt the thread you had lost control of.

Now you accuse me of having alter egos when you literally admitted to having a second account here.
See, look at you flip back and forth!

First you said they could identify you using the IP address...

Then you said they were "pretty good" at sniffing out socks...

Now you've gone back to the IP thing, but the problem with that is that the IRA was able to mask their IP addresses, just like Volume 1 (of the report you refuse to read because you're a coward) says.

So we are left with nothing but your word that you are who you claim to be; and why the fuck should anyone take you at your word?
i struck the word "pretty"...It's not my problem you are delusional tothe point you think I am a Russian asset.

The prudent thing to do would be to contact ADMIN -
and get their response before you wander off into yet another self imposed conspiracy

Now you're resorting to desperation because I fucking nailed you. you are AGREEING with yourself within the parameter of your schizophrenic conversation with yourself.

I'll just address you as "Sybil" (the famous psychiatric case of Shirley Mason who reportedly had 16 personalities),
and let yourselves sort it out :rolleyes: