Angry Mom!

No she just left you, Solitary. After you lost your job. :)

YOu keep saying that, and yet you never seem to be able to provide any evidence that my wife left me or that I lost my job.

Funny that you expect others to stick to facts, when you can't do it yourself.
No I don't have any need to. Since I've proven that winterborn = solitary you have zero credibility.

Proven? Oh really?

Since you used the loss of a job as part of your proof, if seems reasonable to show how you got that info.

And the wife leaving me is another that would require you know more about my life than I have posted here.

In fact, knowledge of both of those would require knowing more about my life than what I have posted here.

Are you saying you have stalked me off this board, to obtain this information???
I didn't include that in the statistical calculation.

Oh, my mistake. So you invented the stories about my wife leaving and about me losing my job, just like you invented the statistics?

Because as much as you have crowed about my wife leaving and about me losing my job, unless those accusations are true, your own credibility is far more suspect than mine.

I didn't invent the statistics either.


So you are maintaining that you did not invent the story that my wife left me and that I lost my job??

You are claiming that you are actually sure that either (or both) of those things happened?
We've been through this before. I've proven that winterborn = solitary and therefore anything else you claim is suspect. So just shut the fuck up. :)
We've been through this before. I've proven that winterborn = solitary and therefore anything else you claim is suspect. So just shut the fuck up. :)

Proven? lol Your definition of "proof" is pretty lax.

And just as a reminder, I am not the one that continues to bring up old bullshit. That is what you do. But once you do, you want to whine when I call you a liar or point out that you have no clue what you are talking about.

You brought up the old claim of yours that I lost my job. And you have absolutely no evidence to support it.

You brought up the old claim that my wife left me. Again, you have absolutely no evidence to support it.

Now you get all pissy with the "So just shut the fuck up" when I point out that you are inventing stories and making shit up because you are pissed off.

Now THAT makes your claims suspect and puts your credibility in the toilet.

Which is basically why Mott busted you with the "pot calling the kettle black".
LOL Look who's getting all pissy? I suggest that you just shut the fuck up before you have another nervous breakdown.
LOL Look who's getting all pissy? I suggest that you just shut the fuck up before you have another nervous breakdown.

And I suggest that you stick with facts. Of course, I also have suggested you stick with a topic too, and that hasn't worked.

No, I am not getting pissy. I am making clear points. Your refusal acknowledge that only shows your anger.
I'm hardly angry. In fact I'm trying to be nice, preventing you from having another nervous breakdown.

Oh? Being nice? lmao

That is why you try to bring up old "facts"? That is why you continue with the "shut the fuck up" and try to talk about a nervous breakdown that didn't happen?

Yeah, I'm sure thats what all this is. :palm:
Oh? Being nice? lmao

That is why you try to bring up old "facts"? That is why you continue with the "shut the fuck up" and try to talk about a nervous breakdown that didn't happen?

Yeah, I'm sure thats what all this is. :palm:

How else do you explain canning your "solitary" moniker if not a nervous breakdown?
Awww, you send me an email reply and then block me so I can't reply?


How noble of you.
How else do you explain canning your "solitary" moniker if not a nervous breakdown?

So any person who changes their name, or who leaves and comes back with another name has had a nervous breakdown???


I am guessing that is the same sort of logic you used in your statistical analysis.