Announcmenet about shit that doesn't matter: USF is lying to the amazonians

Mason's socks are far less then anyone thinks. Sylvia Stonehenge, Anne Frank, and he made one account that he tried for a troll act. I don't recall if it's active though. Mason just renames his accounts often, and has even tried to pass an old account off as new. These are so obvious, and yet Mason has made many paranoid of him, and possible socks. They see him all over.
Mason's socks are far less then anyone thinks. Sylvia Stonehenge, Anne Frank, and he made one account that he tried for a troll act. I don't recall if it's active though. Mason just renames his accounts often, and has even tried to pass an old account off as new. These are so obvious, and yet Mason has made many paranoid of him, and possible socks. They see him all over.

Mason has way more than that!
That's the tip of the iceberg!
He sits on several at any given time.
14 what? Sex changes? Dogs left out in the hot sun by your friend(s)? DUIs? Snotty comments made to and about other ppl before 6am? Times in one hour you think about us? :laugh:

OH - LOOK, Owl is "just being her typical whiny gossip-girl hypocritical self"??

What you are experiencing right now, speaking from a clinical point of view, is called a Meltdown.

What you are experiencing right now, speaking from a clinical point of view, is called a Meltdown.

I will give back as good as someone gives me; but it's interesting and amusing how you only focus on one side of all this and seem to be making excuses for the opposition.

What's funnier; is YOU, a known cyber stalker of women, giving advice to anyone.


AWWWWWWWWWW - Poor Christiecunt.

She's all upset and groaning over the FACT that she's defending Cypress, a known cyber stalker and abuser of women.

I guess she can't handle being shown to be a hypocrite.
