Announcmenet about shit that doesn't matter: USF is lying to the amazonians

I put him on ignore a while back,he still replys to my post!
I guess he likes reading his own bs

Yeah, he does mine, too. It’s hilarious watching his desperate obsession and even better than his hysterical rants show up as:

This message is hidden because USFREEDOM911 is on your ignore list
I don't, but you admittedly keep your dog in the yard.

Why? Can you answer that question?

The meltdown is complete. I hope someone takes your dog and gives it a better life.

Gee, I wonder if our JPP Virtue-Signaling Vulture of Victimhood will chastise USF for calling you the C-word? After all, she followed Christiefan around for weeks demanding to know what she thought of ppl who use that horrible, horrible word. Or will there be a "thanks," like when she thanked someone for calling someone else a "retard"? Wasn't it just last week that VSVV was proclaiming her virtue and telling us how she always scolds ppl -- no matter who it is -- who use that word? :laugh:

Gee, I wonder if our JPP Virtue-Signaling Vulture of Victimhood will chastise USF for calling you the C-word? After all, she followed Christiefan around for weeks demanding to know what she thought of ppl who use that horrible, horrible word. Or will there be a "thanks," like when she thanked someone for calling someone else a "retard"? Wasn't it just last week that VSVV was proclaiming her virtue and telling us how she always scolds ppl -- no matter who it is -- who use that word? :laugh:


OH-OH, is this Owl "just being her typical whiny gossip-girl self"??

Gee, I wonder if our JPP Virtue-Signaling Vulture of Victimhood will chastise USF for calling you the C-word? After all, she followed Christiefan around for weeks demanding to know what she thought of ppl who use that horrible, horrible word. Or will there be a "thanks," like when she thanked someone for calling someone else a "retard"? Wasn't it just last week that VSVV was proclaiming her virtue and telling us how she always scolds ppl -- no matter who it is -- who use that word? :laugh:
Nope -- USFairy can do no wrong.

VSVV = :laugh:
I have a sense of humor and yes, I think she is funny.

Wish you'd let bygones be bygones and stop grinding the ax every chance you get. Just try to get along. They have made efforts but you just don't let it go. You'd be surprised how liberating it is to just set those old grudges down like a bag of bricks and say, fuck it.

I've had board wars with people from years past but I don't hold grudges for long. Just isn't worth it, life's too short.
No thank you=too much damage done here, there, everywhere... in the past, and continuing to be done daily... (Sending you PMs full of lies...and posting the same every single day.... is not making "efforts", Plus...there's sock bodies and pieces and parts littering this place from the results of their is what it is and shall always be...;)
Did you forget your comment about "a chain", you lying cunt??

You probably lie to your family also.


As the thread topic indicates, the I calculate the probability as 100 percent that you are a mentally unstable, known liar who indulges in slander and willfully uses the lexicon of sexual harrassment against female posters.

It is worth noting however, that with one exception, the moderators cannot be trusted and will use their mod status and mod powers to pursue personal grudges.

But that still does not get you off the hook for being a craven sexist pig who lies his ass off.
No thank you=too much damage done here, there, everywhere... in the past, and continuing to be done daily... (Sending you PMs full of lies...and posting the same every single day.... is not making "efforts", Plus...there's sock bodies and pieces and parts littering this place from the results of their is what it is and shall always be...;)

We know. Your confession has been heard. Go, and sin no more, my daughter.
The important thing is everyone knows about "you all"...including the mods:)
...all nicely documented;)
As the thread topic indicates, the I calculate the probability as 100 percent that you are a mentally unstable, known liar who indulges in slander and willfully uses the lexicon of sexual harrassment against female posters.

It is worth noting however, that with one exception, the moderators cannot be trusted and will use their mod status and mod powers to pursue personal grudges.

But that still does not get you off the hook for being a craven sexist pig who lies his ass off.

What you are experiencing right now, speaking from a clinical point of view, is called a Meltdown.

I will give back as good as someone gives me; but it's interesting and amusing how you only focus on one side of all this and seem to be making excuses for the opposition.

What's funnier; is YOU, a known cyber stalker of women, giving advice to anyone.
