Announcmenet about shit that doesn't matter: USF is lying to the amazonians

The fact that you think her "funny" kind of says it all:) Doesn't it?;)
I have a sense of humor and yes, I think she is funny.

Wish you'd let bygones be bygones and stop grinding the ax every chance you get. Just try to get along. They have made efforts but you just don't let it go. You'd be surprised how liberating it is to just set those old grudges down like a bag of bricks and say, fuck it.

I've had board wars with people from years past but I don't hold grudges for long. Just isn't worth it, life's too short.
I have a sense of humor and yes, I think she is funny.

Wish you'd let bygones be bygones and stop grinding the ax every chance you get. Just try to get along. They have made efforts but you just don't let it go. You'd be surprised how liberating it is to just set those old grudges down like a bag of bricks and say, fuck it.

I've had board wars with people from years past but I don't hold grudges for long. Just isn't worth it, life's too short.

Good advice,not a chance she will take it.
She had a chance to show integrity,instead she bet it all on USF
He's Public Enemy number one!
And dumbass Top,has trashed her rep as a animal activist.To support a piece of dog shit scum USF!

OH-OH, is this Jackoff/Mason "just being his typical whiny gossip-girl self"??

I have a sense of humor and yes, I think she is funny.

Wish you'd let bygones be bygones and stop grinding the ax every chance you get. Just try to get along. They have made efforts but you just don't let it go. You'd be surprised how liberating it is to just set those old grudges down like a bag of bricks and say, fuck it.

I've had board wars with people from years past but I don't hold grudges for long. Just isn't worth it, life's too short.

Good luck with that wise advice. Predicted response: "Yeah but they ____." Wait for it. *le sigh*
You've been bludgeoned enough. I will retreat from any more 'beatdowns'. Go in Peace, Brother.

OH-OH, is this Jackoff/Mason "just being his typical whiny gossip-girl self"??

What you are experiencing right now, speaking from a clinical point of view, is called a Meltdown.
