Announcmenet about shit that doesn't matter: USF is lying to the amazonians

I'm sure the poor old pup is just fine; after all, USFucktard was privately counseled by the wonderful wannabe animal advocate. And say, would you like to buy this bridge over here? :laugh:
Right, because when an animal is being abused the first thing one thinks about is preserving the dignity of the dog abuser.


You are funny though. :laugh:
It's close to 100 degrees here today and my dogs aren't sitting outside in the yard getting scorched, they're in the air conditioning

A shame you can't say the same.

So being in cages is better in your eyes.

I bet your ancestors threw water on the slaves that they kept chained and in cages, just so they could say they were "cooler".
Right, because when an animal is being abused the first thing one thinks about is preserving the dignity of the dog abuser.


You are funny though. :laugh:

Which is what you're doing, by making excuses for the dogs you keep in cages.

What other "things" do you keep in cages, so you can "teach them" how to behave??
So being in cages is better in your eyes.

I bet your ancestors threw water on the slaves that they kept chained and in cages, just so they could say they were "cooler".
Mine don't need cages because they are trained and housebroken. Well worth the effort I put in early on. If I had to be gone all day, they would lay around and sleep all day.

But yes, a dog in a crate in air conditioning is better off than one sitting in a hot yard all day and night with no interaction from anyone.
Please show my "intimataing" (??) and the rest of your post is Bull shit.

You never denied it, when you were exposed, and now that the posts outing you are harder to find, you speak out.

Guile hated me, so why would he lie about you??


Usf you specificaly told me you were using the bold red lettering to imply a mod told you stuff so let’s not pretend otherwise.
No one needs to "change the subject" ....Now, if you're talking about all the unfounded allegations and lies you all keep harping on...that's never ending when it comes to the committee;) then...
It's important to keep anyone interested in what's actually the truth...isn't it?
No one needs to "change the subject" ....Now, if you're talking about all the unfounded allegations and lies you all keep harping on...that's never ending when it comes to the committee;) then...
It's important to keep anyone interested in what's actually the truth...isn't it?

The champion of dogs,defending a dog abuser.
What a steaming pile of shit you are.
And you still aren't able to show where I ever mentioned a "chain"!!

Why is that and what else have you lied about??

My responses aren't any more an "attack or diversion", then yours are; Ms. Hypocrite Cunt.


Poor-poor Christie.

Now she's groaning over LIG not being able to provide proof of her claim.

The champion of lies and perversion:laugh:....well, "VP" in the committee, so only 2nd place;)

Still trying desperately to change the subject from USF the dog abuser,and Top the defender of dog abuse.
To Top the victim,always the victim!
What a pile of dog shit USF and Top are.
Don't see anyone defending these scum bags
Mine don't need cages because they are trained and housebroken. Well worth the effort I put in early on. If I had to be gone all day, they would lay around and sleep all day.

But yes, a dog in a crate in air conditioning is better off than one sitting in a hot yard all day and night with no interaction from anyone.

Sure you "trained them"; probably by beating them into submission, just like your slave owning ancestors beat their "property".

Still trying desperately to change the subject from USF the dog abuser,and Top the defender of dog abuse.
To Top the victim,always the victim!
What a pile of dog shit USF and Top are.
Don't see anyone defending these scum bags

OH-OH, is this Jackoff/Mason "just being his typical whiny gossip-girl self"??
