Announcmenet about shit that doesn't matter: USF is lying to the amazonians

OH-LOOK, LIG is "just being her typical whiny gossip-girl self cunt"??

I said I crate trained puppies to housebreak them. They were only in there at night or if I could not supervise them and out by 5 months old. That protects them.

But housebreaking a dog is something you're too fucking lazy to do, so you throw it out in the yard.

Crate training is one of the best things one can do for their dog. It gives the dog a safe space that they feel secure in. It helps in their ability to “hold it” and helps protect the carpet. It’s a win/win.

It’s the farthest thing from punishment.
Crate training is one of the best things one can do for their dog. It gives the dog a safe space that they feel secure in. It helps in their ability to “hold it” and helps protect the carpet. It’s a win/win.

It’s the farthest thing from punishment.
Try explaining that to USFreakdom.
He’s on ignore.

I danced with that obsessive fucking moron one too many times. Too fucking stupid to get the simplest of concepts across.

I would encourage every JPP member to put him on ignore and let him talk to himself.

What you are experiencing right now, speaking from a clinical point of view, is called a Meltdown.

Real quick

First, a message to USF: I don't owe you secrecy on this because I never signed up for it, and you chose to involve me and other mods in your fairy tales so I have no obligation to uphold falsehoods. Additionally, this messageboard drama stuff is so completely irrelevant to me that I have no issue blowing up your spot.

As to the rest of you, I barely understand what is going on with you guys (re: amazon drama) as I never read it.

You guys hang out in your 5k+ post threads talking about weird things, jade comes in sometimes to talk about donuts, jack throws shade at owl, top posts some winky faces, and that's about I have been able to glean

but apparently USF has said or implied that he has information on something, and that he is trying to suggest he's gotten "information" from us mods. which isn't true. I know this because USF randomly asked me out of the blue to not mess up his weird story or w/e.

so is he claiming jack and mason are the same person or something? I read his message when I was stoned and I didn't really understand it.

but jack and mason are not the same person, usfreedom is fucking with you guys, us mods have nothing to do with it, usf wanted us mods to lie/not tell the truth for him, but I'm not doing that, because A) I don't care about messageboard drama and B) he's trying to involve me in something by proxy to something I never consented to

I still don't know if this post makes any sense, because I literally never read your guy's garbage. So you all will have to tease out whatever meaning you need from this post


Can we ban people who are obviously trolls or people like USF who are too stupid to live?
He’s on ignore.

I danced with that obsessive fucking moron one too many times. Too fucking stupid to get the simplest of concepts across.

I would encourage every JPP member to put him on ignore and let him talk to himself.

I put him on ignore a while back,he still replys to my post!
I guess he likes reading his own bs