Annoying Linguistic Infliction

The rising tone at the end of a sentence here (Australia) is strangely enough mainly among women. I've heard it explained as a form of plea, of the speaker seeking agreement. It's bloody annoying.

You're not wrong... With the many Aussies we have over here (mostly in bars strangely enough ;) ) it has spread to the locals too...
The rising tone at the end of a sentence here (Australia) is strangely enough mainly among women. I've heard it explained as a form of plea, of the speaker seeking agreement. It's bloody annoying.

You're not wrong... With the many Aussies we have over here (mostly in bars strangely enough ;) ) it has spread to the locals too...

What a pain...while I'm at it I'll apologise for Neighbours as well.

Bars - natural habitat for peripatetic Australians of a certain age :)
What a pain...while I'm at it I'll apologise for Neighbours as well.

No worries. Spice girls, Pop Idol etc were our faux pas...

At least Neighbours make Brits think all Aussies are stunning sunkissed

Bars - natural habitat for peripatetic Australians of a certain age

It seems to be a rite of passage for Aussies to spend a year in the UK working, or should I say living, in bars.... :)
An Australian woman:

People who feel the need to add izzle or iggity to every spoken word. Axe instead of ask and people who speak spanglish (my in-laws, it drives me nuts!).

Now things that I like; accents. Just about any accent can be charming in its own way but I love the French Caujin accent and Irish accent. Or a good southern drawl on a woman is sexy. Same with Spanish, the language is much more beautiful than english.
What a pain...while I'm at it I'll apologise for Neighbours as well.

No worries. Spice girls, Pop Idol etc were our faux pas...

At least Neighbours make Brits think all Aussies are stunning sunkissed

Bars - natural habitat for peripatetic Australians of a certain age

It seems to be a rite of passage for Aussies to spend a year in the UK working, or should I say living, in bars.... :)

Some do get a real job - Rolf Harris for example. And Vincent Ball. Charles Tingwell, Keith Michell....but then they probably started off in bars :D
Spanish is a nice sounding language for sure. I have to admit to preferring the Central/South American version though - the Spanish in Spain (never been there and I understand there are regional differences) with the lithp is bloody annoying.
I prefer carribean personally, just because its alot more fluid (and a Puerto Rican wife helps). I also talk like her when I talk to her, its wierd.
What about regional accents in the U.S.?

For example I cannot stand the Boston accent where they do not or cannot say the letter 'r'. Or they will add r's into words where they do not exist.

Hey now! we here in Kentucky talk normal, the rest of the country is hosed up though.
Pet Peeves . . .

People who leave off the second syllable when saying "probably." It's probly congenital.

People who use "I" rather than "me" when it's inappropriate, most often in the objective and dative cases. Nearly half of all Americans would say "AssHat's really going off on Cypress and I today" when it should actually be "AssHat's really going off on Cypress and me today."
Instead of "thing", as in, "that thing bit me," where someone pronounces it "think" as in "I don't have anythink to declare". I could assault people who say that.

I had to correct my grammar. Pedantry is obviously contagious.