Into the Night
Verified User
The flight time Lake Havasu to LA is 57 minutes.,+AZ/to/Los+Angeles,+CA
This site claims it's 42 minutes.
This one 50 minutes.
Trip advisor shows a round trip from Lake Havasu to LA is as cheap as $44.
Regardless, a train would have multiple stops along the way between the two cities and it wouldn't be high speed fail so you are looking at around 70 mph which means it would take several hours to cover the distance. Even high speed fail at 150 mph would take hours to run the distance. Stop times for trains would be well in excess of 1 minute per station. In addition, all it takes for trains to end up like airports for security is a single serious terrorist attack on one. You can bet your ass:
A. That will happen and is more likely to happen with more train use.
B. That it is likely to happen regardless out of an over-abundance of caution.
As for locations of airports, that varies. Sky Harbor in Phoenix is minutes from downtown Phoenix and flights in and out go over downtown daily as but one example.
There is no train between Lake Havasu City and Los Angeles, so the argument is moot.
The only way between them is by air or simply driving (what most people do).
Trains are MORE susceptible to terrorism damage, particularly high speed rail, and in particularly, maglev trains running in an evacuated tube.
No security force in the world can prevent an attack somewhere along the entire track.
From SeaTac airport, travel to downtown is just minutes (if you really want to go into that hellhole). You can take the light rail, the bus, a taxi, or just rent a car. The longest trips are by bus, then by light rail. Either of these will require a wait of up to 30 minutes for the next vehicle, paying a fare (cash is not accepted on the light rail), you must buy a transit card at a vending machine; but at least that vending machine can take cash). Buses are exact change only. They do not give change.
A car or taxi will get you downtown in about 15 minutes. The bus will do that in about 45 minutes (plus up to 30 minutes waiting for the bus). The light rail will take about 35-40 minutes, but the wait time is less (about 15 minutes).
Be aware that thugs ride the buses and light rail trains.
Seattle's main train station (King Street station) is right in the middle of Pioneer Square, a center of poverty, thugs, mentally ill, homeless, and drug users. It is the only train station in Seattle serving any heavy rail (which is very little these days).
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