Another nanny state failure!

Kids will be kids. Had a step-daughter that we found out wanted to save her lunch money for other uses so she just skipped lunch altogether.

Doesn't mean the school should have been giving her fries and a shake to make her eat.

They can't both complain that they're hungry AND then toss the food away uneaten. Well, they can, but they don't get much sympathy.

They shouldn't get sympathy at all.
I was told that by my parents and I've used it with my kids! Along with "you don't have to like it, you just have to eat it."

Lol...yep, my mom used that as well. If I didn't eat it for supper, I saw it again at breakfast. If I still didn't eat it I'd see it again at lunch. She always won. And something I always looked back on with fondness, she never pulled the "kids starving in Africa" card. She simply said something to the effect that I ought to be thankful to have something to eat.
Lol...yep, my mom used that as well. If I didn't eat it for supper, I saw it again at breakfast. If I still didn't eat it I'd see it again at lunch. She always won. And something I always looked back on with fondness, she never pulled the "kids starving in Africa" card. She simply said something to the effect that I ought to be thankful to have something to eat.

Oh, my gosh, your mother had something in common, liver for breakfast is worse than liver for dinner, lol
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Thanks her, I lived in rural Kansas and she served, heart, liver, tongue, all those nasty organs! No thanks

I always loved liver. I cooked 5 lbs of beef liver and 10 grapefruit sized onions, some green beans and made a salad a few weeks back. I invited some family and friends over....not a scrap was left. It was Brussels sprouts that I hated, and egg plant, boiled squash... Yep, that brings back nasty memories. ;)
While one might side with Mrs. Obama for her efforts here, the "healthier" meals aren't going to help the kids unless the kids eat them. We implemented the regulations last year and cafeteria participation dropped by half. The "healthier" meals cost our cafeteria more, our participation dropped by half (most kids brought lunches or simply didn't eat) and we ended the year nearly in the red. All this and it isn't like our kids' families can afford much...we're 85% free and reduced lunch. So serving only "healthier" meals does present quite a dilemma.

85% living off the gobblement tit? What happened to all the hunger. I remember growing up when kids were embarrassed to get free lunch. It meant their parents were failures. God I miss those days
85% living off the gobblement tit? What happened to all the hunger. I remember growing up when kids were embarrassed to get free lunch. It meant their parents were failures. God I miss those days

You know what? I remember those days too. The kids got free lunch tickets...but in my house? Dad was a unionized Steelworker and Mom was an RN working at a State Hospital for the criminally insane....I am THANKFUL that they could afford the $1/day for my lunches. I NEVER considered the parents of the kids that got the tickets "failures". Guess that says a hell of a lot more about YOU than it does about them. Patriot66 and RacistX are so upset the First Lady hasn't done anything to piss their racist asses off they has to dredge up an old story posted on here from ten months ago. Boo Hoo!

If only everyone had ignored it now as we did then...

Something a little more recent for ya Howey, kids have a hard time learning when they are hungry!
P66, glad to know you understand the value of subsidized food programs in the school; for breakfast as well as lunch.

the food is there - the kids can eat it. Or they can bring food from home if they can afford it. It's their choice.
P66, glad to know you understand the value of subsidized food programs in the school; for breakfast as well as lunch.

the food is there - the kids can eat it. Or they can bring food from home if they can afford it. It's their choice.

I am sorry, what about those on the school lunch program, most of those children have a hard time in school as it is, now we are going to serve something that they don't like, and in many cases isn't enough, and make it harder?
I am sorry, what about those on the school lunch program, most of those children have a hard time in school as it is, now we are going to serve something that they don't like, and in many cases isn't enough, and make it harder?

So, how do you feel about food stamps? should people be able to buy anything they want? I assume you do.

Regardless of what we serve, some child won't like it. If we serve unhealthy food, they won't do well in class either - they will have sugar crash and whatnot, not be able to focus.

We need to pick something to serve them; healthy food is better than unhealthy.

Or do you want to give them cash and send them out to a fast food restaurant for lunch?

Or do you just want to argue against whatever some of us are for?
So, how do you feel about food stamps? should people be able to buy anything they want? I assume you do.

Regardless of what we serve, some child won't like it. If we serve unhealthy food, they won't do well in class either - they will have sugar crash and whatnot, not be able to focus.

We need to pick something to serve them; healthy food is better than unhealthy.

Or do you want to give them cash and send them out to a fast food restaurant for lunch?

Or do you just want to argue against whatever some of us are for?

It's hard to believe someone's complaining about kids eating good food vs. bad. IMO they'll adapt to the better diet after a brief period of whining and complaining. You make a great point about food stamps. It was just a couple of weeks ago someone here was criticizing a person in the check out line because of what he was buying with the food card. With righties today you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.
you are truly lucky... never understood why anyone would want to eat that crap.

It was a practice born of necessity: ie. "you don't waste anything." Along the way people (a minority I am sure) developed a taste for it. Kind of like squirrel brains.
It was a practice born of necessity: ie. "you don't waste anything." Along the way people (a minority I am sure) developed a taste for it. Kind of like squirrel brains.

Liver is good....if you know how to cook it.

Slice enough onions to fill a greased(oil, Pam, whatever) skillet.

Put slices of bacon on top of the onions

Put liver on top of bacon.

Cover skillet and cook on a low heat.

The bacon draws out the irony flavor of the liver...this also works for heart too.
So you small government conservatives are complaining that the food the government is paying for is not tasty enough for the kids?