Another Republican bites the dust

I wouldn't mind as much if Palin just sold herself. She keeps shoving her children at the child molester Nugent... It is sick.

She was downstairs tweeting about abstinence while her unmarried, underage daughter was getting pregnant upstairs.
Bristol Palin, the daughter of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin who has spoken out in favor of sexual abstinence before marriage, is pregnant with her second child, she said in an contrite blog post.

Palin made the announcement just over a month after her mother announced on Facebook that Bristol’s planned May 23 marriage to Medal of Honor winner Dakota Meyer would not happen as scheduled.

“I wanted you guys to be the first to know that I am pregnant,” Bristol Palin, 24, said on her blog on Thursday. “Honestly, I’ve been trying my hardest to keep my chin up on this one.”

Bristol Palin’s first pregnancy as a teenager gained widespread attention in 2008 when it was announced during her mother’s campaign as the Republican vice presidential nominee.
It is a system that favors Demonkkkrats and RINOs instead of who the people of Alaska actually want to represent them.

You claim the people who supported Peltola, or Begich, but would not support Palin are Democrats and RINOs, but your problem is they make up the majority of the people of Alaska. 51.47% of the voters looked at Palin and agreed anyone but her. There is no election system that gets around that.
Eskimo is rather offensive,
Oh grow a pair, you fucking pansy. Everything is offensive in one way or another to you libtards...

but point taken. The winner is an actual leader who didn't quit halfway through her many years of public service.
No. The winner is only the winner due to a rigged election system (ranked choice voting). It is meant to keep RINOs and Demonkkkrats ("the establishment") in positions of power and to thwart the will of the people.
Ranked choice voting sure sucks, eh? Now, as a result of it, you're stuck with a Demonkkkrat representative for at least a few months...

Only when Trump's Pedo Nazis lose, Sybil. When they win, you fucking nutjobs cum all over yourself in joy.

Ranked choice voting sure sucks, eh? Now, as a result of it, you're stuck with a Demonkkkrat representative for at least a few months...

For ranked voting to be a cause of something, there has to be another outcome without it. So what was the path to victory without ranked voting?

Palin was going to defeat Begich in the primaries, and then Peltola would defeat Palin in the general election. Or if it remained a three way race, Peltola would have won with a plurality against Palin and Begich.

Maybe with higher voter turnout in two months, Palin can win... But more likely Peltola will be an incumbent, be better known, and will win by a little more.
Ranked choice voting sure sucks, eh? Now, as a result of it, you're stuck with a Demonkkkrat representative for at least a few months...

Only when Trump's Pedo Nazis lose, Sybil. When they win, you fucking nutjobs cum all over yourself in joy.

And then Bristol Palin, who keeps getting pregnant while unmarried, gets paid by taxpayers to lecture college students on college abstinence? She never went to college, and is not abstinent.

It's pays to be in the Pedo Party! LOL

Great gig. If Matt Gaetz loses, maybe he can get a gig preaching about the horrors of prostitution and pedophilia.

Oh grow a pair, you fucking pansy. Everything is offensive in one way or another to you libtards...

No. The winner is only the winner due to a rigged election system (ranked choice voting). It is meant to keep RINOs and Demonkkkrats ("the establishment") in positions of power and to thwart the will of the people.

Cracka goyim sezz what
It's pays to be in the Pedo Party! LOL

Great gig. If Matt Gaetz loses, maybe he can get a gig preaching about the horrors of prostitution and pedophilia.


They do not see value in other human beings, so have no problem using women, or even underage girls. It is disgusting.
For ranked voting to be a cause of something, there has to be another outcome without it.

So what was the path to victory without ranked voting?
Palin wins Republican primary against Begich & company.
Palin wins general election against Peltola w/ enough support from Begich voters.

The ranked choice voting system is merely meant to favor "the establishment" (RINOs like Murkowski and Demonkkkrats if the RINOs can't get their own candidate to win). It is meant to thwart the will of the people. It is meant to thwart outsiders ("MAGA candidates") from taking over those positions.

Palin was going to defeat Begich in the primaries,

and then Peltola would defeat Palin in the general election.
Nah. She'd win in a head to head against Peltola.

Or if it remained a three way race, Peltola would have won with a plurality against Palin and Begich.

Maybe with higher voter turnout in two months, Palin can win...

But more likely Peltola will be an incumbent, be better known, and will win by a little more.

Nah. The only way Peltola wins again is if Alaska republicans don't wise up to how ranked choice voting is a rigged system that favors Demonkkkrats & RINOs.

The DNC and RNC are laughing all the way to the bank, while the average joe citizen is being bent over furniture.
They do not see value in other human beings, so have no problem using women, or even underage girls. It is disgusting.

They are a highly abusive, narcissistic group which espouses all the worst humanity has to offer. Compare the Seven Deadly Sins to the Seven Holy Virtues* and it's easy to see which side of the scale the Party of Trump has placed themselves.


*an early form of psychological evaluation
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