T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
Yep, that's the small section that was under construction and not yet completed. Hardly a valid example.
Why didn't trump build your wall. He had full control of Congress for 2 years, so no one gets the blame but him!
Again, my dear, you had two years with full control of congress yet the wall was never built. What little was built has mostly fallen apart or will be soon. This isn't about Biden, but the 4 years of Trump presidency where he failed to build his wall.
In fact, Trump confiscated Pentagon funding to build a wildly expensive wall. Biden returned 2.2 billion to the military. The wall is a joke. Kids get over it in a matter of seconds. There are tunnels under it. Immigrants come over by boat, plane and through the ports of entry. Some of Trump wall costs 48 million per mile of absolutely super hard-earned tax dollars, and is meaningless. Trump built 77 miles of new wall.
The real point is that there have been over 3000 incursions through what was to have been an impenetrable wall and ever inch is in danger of collapsing. Billions have been wasted, yet you say nothing.
Works for me! We need a continuous, solid, and patrolled wall on our southern border. Biden is a complete and utter failure on immigration and illegal immigration to the point he's failed his oath of office completely and utterly.
By the time Biden leaves office in 2024, the population of illegals in the US will be such that a third to half of all illegals will have entered on Biden's watch. That is horrifically terrible.
The only "dumbfuck" here Port Tack, is you.
Why not address the FACT that the entire wall can collapse. A fact that the trump administration kept hidden as long as they could. It's a multi billion dollar fiasco. This was a wall the El Jeffe told us could not be breached, he lied again and again.
who is spewing the bull shit?
A long row of double-stacked shipping contrainers provide a new wall between the United States and Mexico in the remote section area of San Rafael Valley, Ariz., Thursday, Dec. 8, 2022. Work crews are steadily erecting hundreds of double-stacked shipping containers along the rugged east end of Arizona’s boundary with Mexico as Republican Gov. Doug Ducey makes a bold show of border enforcement even as he prepares to step aside next month for Democratic Governor-elect Katie Hobbs. (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)
Then the federal govt sues the dumbfuck and says get your fucking trash off our border.
over 80 million to build and how much to remove who knows. Another dumbfuck republican stunt that all those rightwingers who bitch about spending money will probably applaud.
There have been over. 3 thousand incursions through the wall. That means anyone can get through, so it is uselessYou. Read before you post. That article says the same thing I said: There were studies done that showed a section of the wall might, could possibly collapse. It doesn't state it did. The only collapse that has occurred so far is the small section in California that was under construction that fell over due to high winds because it wasn't fully finished at the time.
2000 miles of border and he built something anyone could get throughHe did build a lot of wall, despite you Democrats.
One good flood and it collapses. Why was that fact hidden from usFear mongering. The wall isn't going to collapse.
You are lying againDEMOCRAT Congress, twit.
There have been over. 3 thousand incursions through the wall. That means anyone can get through, so it is useless
There's no way of determining how many individuals were deterred from trying, or decided to go to another section of the border with no wall.
2000 miles of border and he built something anyone could get through
One good flood and it collapses. Why was that fact hidden from us
This is more bullshit from you. A section under construction and not completed did collapse when hit by high winds from Hurricane Hanna. None of the completed sections have collapsed however. The reason this section did was the cement had not set for the foundation when the wind hit it. A three-mile section in Texas was claimed by some opposed to the wall to be in serious danger of collapse, but that wall is still standing and the claimed erosion hasn't happened.
You just hate Trump so much you can't accept a reality where the guy might have done something right. Your gross myopia in this respect is a serious defect.
That's just a case of nut picking (a variant of cherry picking). Okay, there have been three thousand incursions through the wall. There's no way of determining how many individuals were deterred from trying, or decided to go to another section of the border with no wall. Your claim also doesn't say how many of those three thousand were caught crossing by ICE because the wall slowed them sufficiently to allow that capture.
If anything, the wall, patrolled, would be a very effective deterrent. Your claim it is useless is either disingenuous, a bald-faced lie, or blatant stupidity on your part.