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The wall wasn't completed, dumbass, thanks to you Democrats.
You had two year to do something and all we got my dear was a multi billion dollar boondoggle.
The wall wasn't completed, dumbass, thanks to you Democrats.
Fear mongering. The wall isn't going to collapse.
There have been over. 3 thousand incursions through the wall. That means anyone can get through, so it is useless
its a shame the wall wasn't completed where those incursions happened........why did you spend so much effort into preventing the wall?......
One good flood and it collapses. Why was that fact hidden from us
why is it so important to you to make more things up and post it?.......
The wall is an environmental disaster as well as not doing shit as far as keeping people from crossing. It doesn't fucking work so how the hell can you applaud it?
it works better than an open field.....
I would guess you didn't read my link, as usual, my dear!
read it again......no fence collapsed......one allegation issued in one of the multiple efforts demmycunts launched to delay or stop border protection........so lies as usual.....
Since anyone who wanted to could get through it, your fence was about as good as an open field.
since it wasn't completed, *and that's the fault of YOUR party* people could cross the border where the fence wasn't.......your brain is an open field.......
they aren't getting "through the wall"....they are walking around it......in droves.....because Biden opened the borders and let 2.7 million people in in less than two years......think of the financial burden he is leaving us when we have to track every single one of them down, arrest them and send them home.......Hasn't collapsed yet, just waiting for a big rain storm, but in the meantime people are getting through it in droves. That is the same wall that Trump told us was impenetrable.
Your own Republican Party never appropriated money to build the wall. Even they knew what a fiasco it was.
they aren't getting "through the wall"....they are walking around it......in droves.....because Biden opened the borders and let 2.7 million people in in less than two years......think of the financial burden he is leaving us when we have to track every single one of them down, arrest them and send them home.......
blocked by the demmycunts as even liars like yourself know.....
The post specifically said that the incursions were through the wall, it's quite easy to saw through. Sorry my dear.
Republicans controlled all branches of government, they didn't need any Democratic votes.
and which post made that lying allegation?......yours?.....
Here is where a good chunk of the money came from to built this fiasco:
To build a wall along the Southern border, the previous Administration redirected billions of dollars Congress provided for supporting American military personnel and their families and for investing in military installation infrastructure and vehicles, aircraft, and ships