Humans are animals.
You cannot change your mind unless YOU WANT to change your mind. No one can change your mind for you.
Nope. If you believe X and someone presents a thoroughly convincing argument or facts you didn't know or you have never considered, and you are convinced by that argument despite what you absolutely believed previously, you will have no control over the impact of that conversation.
You don't, unfortunately.
How would you know? You don't know the English language.
Avoiding the point.
2+2 might equal 10, or it might equal 11, depending on context. It might even equal an image or an icon.
Sure, it might equal anything, but that isn't the you already know, but still insist on avoiding.
Sure you can. You can easily use your free will to choose to learn, just as many animals can.
I said understand, not learn.
Pivot fallacy. No one is talking about abortion.
The topic isn't you once again know. There are any number of examples I could have used. The point is that the argument presented fundamentally changed my views and I had no control over whether a change happened or to what degree it happened.
No one can change your mind against your will. Only you can choose to change your mind.
Incorrect. A recent example is the alleged hospital bombing in Gaza. Initial reports were that an Israeli rocket hit it and many people apparently believed it. Those same people, if exposed to the satellite imagery and audio recordings of the terrorists talking about what they did, had their minds changed. Do you believe that you could use your free will to not know the additional details that you learned and actually maintain your previous views?
Yes you can, and you do.
So...what DOES that mean? What do you mean by 'hot'? What if the stove has no power or fuel to it? Turning it on doesn't do anything under those conditions.
As a child, you can't understand "hot" until you truly understand what it means for something to be hot and it doesn't matter how many times your parents point at the stove and say "Hot! Don't touch! It's hot!"
Science does not have to describe something that simply exists. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. A theory is an explanatory argument, not an statement against the Proof of Identity.
Try English. It works better. Nonsensical portion ignored.
Playing word games with 'free will' is really quite pointless. It exists. It exists in animals as well.
There's no scientific basis for believing there is an "I" somewhere in the neurological wiring of our brain. There's no self standing on the banks of our stream of conscious thought, watching our thoughts go by. There is only the stream of conscious thought. There is no self creating our thoughts. We don't know what our next thought is going to be until it arrives in consciousness and we can't stop our thoughts from arriving in consciousness.
Let's say I ask you to take 5 minutes to think of a movie. Any movie you're aware of. It doesn't have to be good. It can be one you saw as a child or yesterday..... doesn't matter. So I say "Think of a movie." There's abrief pause and then names of movies start appearing consciousness....Jack Reacher..... Elf....Venom.....Titanic....on and on for some amount of time. At the end of that period of time, you will have thought of a list of movies, but you didn't think of Wizard of Oz. You absolutely know of Wizard of Oz. You've seen Wizard of Oz but, for whatever reason, that title simply didn't occur to you. Your Wizard of Oz circuits weren't activated.
Were you free to pick Wizard of Oz if that title didn't occur to you to pick? Could you have used your free will to force your brain to push the title "Wizard of Oz" into your conscious mind?