Another stellar jobs report

But, but, but, they make up the numbers

Jobs numbers when Trump left office: -2.7 million jobs. Unemployment rate when Trump left office: 6.4%. The one major crisis Trump faced he f*cked up royally

Are we better off today than we were four years ago, hell yeah

By every measure, the economy is incredibly strong. Solid GDP growth. Steady job growth. Inflation at about 2 percent. High consumer confidence. If we can solve this issue with housing, where investors are buying up all the property, we will be in about as good a place as possible. And along comes Trump, the total fuckup, declaring this is 'the worst economy in the history of our country'. We all laughed at Baghdad Bob as he declared victory over the invading forces even as they were taking the city. And now, half the country lives in an imaginary hellscape. Of their own making.
254,000 new jobs added in September. Thank you for the leadership and stewardship of our incredibly strong economy Vice President Harris!!

Yeah lots of food service jobs. I guess for Uber Eats drivers that is a great jobs report.

Employment at food and drinking establishments rose by 69,000 in September – well above the average monthly gain of 14,000 over the past 12 months. Job growth in the health care industry slowed to 45,000 last month after averaging 57,000 a month over the past year.

Yeah lots of food service jobs. I guess for Uber Eats drivers that is a great jobs report.

What the fuck dude? Can you ever stop talking about Uber Eats? How many meals have you ordered now, you fat fucking loser?
10 out of 12 months that had to correct their figures - and each time they had to lower prior claims

fool me once, shame on me......fool me 10 times - shame on you shit stains

That is a lie. Why do you lie about something so easily disprovable. July and August were both adjusted upwards today.

That is a lie. Why do you lie about something so easily disprovable. July and August were both adjusted upwards today.


Last year, job numbers were revised downward (never upward) for 10 months — not a stellar record. In June 2023, for instance, instead of adding 209,000 jobs, as originally reported, it turns out the economy added only 105,000. That kind of repeated error makes people suspicious.

Last year, job numbers were revised downward (never upward) for 10 months — not a stellar record. In June 2023, for instance, instead of adding 209,000 jobs, as originally reported, it turns out the economy added only 105,000. That kind of repeated error makes people suspicious.

A lie. I had to look at ONE MONTH to prove you are lying. In March, January was adjudged upward. Why are you so fucking lazy that you need someone else to do your research??? Get off your fat ass and learn to read.

Is this the last report before the election?

This one is pretty blockbuster. The economy is on a pretty strong upward trajectory right now. Hopefully the undecideds consider that, and how disruptive it might be to re-elect the worst jobs President in modern history.
A lie. I had to look at ONE MONTH to prove you are lying. In March, January was adjudged upward. Why are you so fucking lazy that you need someone else to do your research??? Get off your fat ass and learn to read.

you have to be the dumbest fuck around

10 out of 12 - means 2 months were not that way

and you prove it must be wrong by........showing one month

derp derp derp stick