Another stellar jobs report

AND the morons on the right will be crying FAKE NEWS, FAKE NEWS.
Have a great day
They love to cite the millions of jobs trump lost due to the botched management of his eponymous virus. The new jobs aren't being 'created'. They just trump's jobs coming back online.

It's so cute watching them twist themselves into pretzels.
By every measure, the economy is incredibly strong. Solid GDP growth. Steady job growth. Inflation at about 2 percent. High consumer confidence. If we can solve this issue with housing, where investors are buying up all the property, we will be in about as good a place as possible. And along comes Trump, the total fuckup, declaring this is 'the worst economy in the history of our country'. We all laughed at Baghdad Bob as he declared victory over the invading forces even as they were taking the city. And now, half the country lives in an imaginary hellscape. Of their own making.
Problem is that we are still getting raped for certain goods/groceries. When trump cites Harris' terrible economy, the average person who knows nothing will believe him. There are a lot of really stupid people who are allowed to vote.
Is this the last report before the election?

This one is pretty blockbuster. The economy is on a pretty strong upward trajectory right now. Hopefully the undecideds consider that, and how disruptive it might be to re-elect the worst jobs President in modern history.
Again...they're considering prices for most goods that they buy. Fuel was crashing until Netanyahu decided to take on the entire Mid East as a last ditch effort to avoid tarring and feathering.
More than four years ago Trump practically guaranteed that if Americans dared to elect Biden there would be an unprecedented economic depression of apocalyptic proportions.
And now, contrary to all facts, he's claiming he was correct.