Another Trinity Road Victory

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect
Tonight on I-5 northbound, approaching Seatac, a douchebag pick-up pulls behind me in the left lane and tailgates me. At 70+ I find this inexcusable and annoying. I decided to counter each of his maneuvers to get around me. At one point he swings right two lanes to work his way ahead, but ran into slow traffic. He winds up tailgating me again. As we were entering Seattle, he swings right again, shoots ahead of us, and promptly speeds past a state patrolman. I saw it unfold, and began cheering like a lunatic.

Don't fuck with the Trinity on the roads, stupid proles!!

LOL owned.

I sometimes am a tailgater though O_O

Whenever someone tailgates me, I want them to die.

But if someone is going slow in front of me, I also want them to die.

Basically, people need to assume the road is just mine.
He could have attempted the HOV lane. Also, in WA we drive in the left lane. That's our god-given right.

Grind, if I were coming home from work, and found myself tired and unable to keep up, I would totally GTFO of his way. I do that sometimes, because I believe in the sanctity of the fast lane. But if I'm already 10+ over, you better not be fucking tailgating me. I hate people who drive below 65 in the left lane as much as the next person.
He could have attempted the HOV lane. Also, in WA we drive in the left lane. That's our god-given right.

Grind, if I were coming home from work, and found myself tired and unable to keep up, I would totally GTFO of his way. I do that sometimes, because I believe in the sanctity of the fast lane. But if I'm already 10+ over, you better not be fucking tailgating me. I hate people who drive below 65 in the left lane as much as the next person.

Our motorway limit is 70mph but everybody drives at 80, the police won't nick you unless you are doing over 80. Of course that's a different story with cameras but even there the unwritten rule is to set them to the speed limit plus 10%.
Tonight on I-5 northbound, approaching Seatac, a douchebag pick-up pulls behind me in the left lane and tailgates me. At 70+ I find this inexcusable and annoying. I decided to counter each of his maneuvers to get around me. At one point he swings right two lanes to work his way ahead, but ran into slow traffic. He winds up tailgating me again. As we were entering Seattle, he swings right again, shoots ahead of us, and promptly speeds past a state patrolman. I saw it unfold, and began cheering like a lunatic.

Don't fuck with the Trinity on the roads, stupid proles!!


What a shock!

Yet more evidence which validates the premise that you're just another self absorbed little turd with no respect for others.

The left lane is the FAST lane and if someone comes up behind you, you move the fuck's the COURTEOUS thing to do.

Not that anyone expects another self absorbed millenial to think about anyone but himself.
He could have attempted the HOV lane. Also, in WA we drive in the left lane. That's our god-given right.

Grind, if I were coming home from work, and found myself tired and unable to keep up, I would totally GTFO of his way. I do that sometimes, because I believe in the sanctity of the fast lane. But if I'm already 10+ over, you better not be fucking tailgating me. I hate people who drive below 65 in the left lane as much as the next person.

Who the hell are you to arbitrarily decide for EVERYONE what the maximum speed in the left lane should be?

You like driving 10+ over the speed limit...good for you.

Someone wants to go FASTER than you, get the fuck out of his/her way.
Our motorway limit is 70mph but everybody drives at 80, the police won't nick you unless you are doing over 80. Of course that's a different story with cameras but even there the unwritten rule is to set them to the speed limit plus 10%.

It's sort of the same here, however most cops won't even give a damn unless you're doing over 100. And even then, only if it's kindw busy.

Ohhhhh this is just too rich!

Not to mention proof I have finally gotten under the Mod's skin.

They've created my own personalized "smilie"!

Their hatred for me runs so deep they actually took the time to create a customized smilie which they gave my name to!

This is a day of CELEBRATION in Zappa Land!
Tonight on I-5 northbound, approaching Seatac, a douchebag pick-up pulls behind me in the left lane and tailgates me. At 70+ I find this inexcusable and annoying. I decided to counter each of his maneuvers to get around me. At one point he swings right two lanes to work his way ahead, but ran into slow traffic. He winds up tailgating me again. As we were entering Seattle, he swings right again, shoots ahead of us, and promptly speeds past a state patrolman. I saw it unfold, and began cheering like a lunatic.

Don't fuck with the Trinity on the roads, stupid proles!!


you reacted like a child.

allow the vehicle to go in front and put space inbetween you and this kind of driver.

they are dangerous and the further they are from you the safer you are.

Instead you tried to play road rage games.

here is a simpler and more adult way to get at these people .

when they are right behind you turn on your windshield wipers repeatedly.

the care behind you will get dirty water sprayed all over them.

remember showing them what for is not really needed.

You never know WHY someone is speeding.

they may be rushing to the hospital to be at a loved ones side.
Doesn't matter how fast you're going in the left lane...if someone comes up on your ass....move the fuck over, and then retake the lane when they pass. It's what you expect them to do when you come up on them.

Seems simple enough.

As George Carlin once said "Did you ever notice that the people who drive slower than you on the highway are assholes, but the ones that drive faster are maniacs?"
If I am unable to maintain 70, I get out of the left lane.

1) It's not physically safe to drive over 75 on I-5 in the Puget Sound area between Olympia and Everett, with the exception of a 5-10 mile stretch between Du Pont and Lacey of rural terrain. If you really want to risk 80-85, go nuts.

2) Asshole driver was never going to maintain +72. In fact, most assholes slow down in the left lane once they pass you. He would actually have been slowing me down. That's one minor reason I never let assholes get around me (I also don't let people over who refuse to signal).

3) Most people will never stand up to this guy. He will not have many opportunities to be taught a lesson.

4) There have been a TON of accidents on I-5, I-405, I-90, SR-167, and SR-99 recently. As this was occurring, I-405 was completely shutdown due to a fatality between Maple Valley and Bellevue. It's because of douchefucks like this (and Seattleite's general inability to drive).

5) I hope a pick-up runs Zappas off the road tomorrow.
Another note - I am one of the most courteous drivers on the road that you will meet. Signal and I let you in, unless it's not manageable at the moment. I maintain the largest following distances of anyone I know (this does encourage people to pass and cut me off, but I always see them coming, and let them around if they play by the rules).

This is partly to keep me safe from proles, but it's also just who I am.