Another Trinity Road Victory

1...Again, who are YOU to decide what is and isn't safe for others?

2...And you know this how? Did you read his mind? Or was it just more of your bullshit attitude?

3...More unknowable bullshit from the Amazing ThreedeeSkin.

4...And because of sanctimonious douchebags who like to obstruct the smooth flow of traffic in the Left lane.

5...Another typically ANGRY response from another typical angry douchebag exposed for what he is.

1) If they are safe, then I'm safe from them.

2) Well, yes, but there would still be an 88.97% chance if I couldn't.

3) You are welcome, prole

4) I was going along just fine. It's always better when you aren't triggering pullovers, as the traffic hits the brakes.

5) Zappas, I honestly believe the world would be better without you. You are a terrible person. The least you can do is take IHA or Legion out with you.