Minister of Truth
Practically Perfect
3dork you are inviting a pass and jam the breaks in front of you!
Nope, my safe following distances prevent this. Remember, on I-405 your guys' hero didn't have me to stop hum and he killed someone.
3dork you are inviting a pass and jam the breaks in front of you!
Nope, my safe following distances prevent this. Remember, on I-405 your guys' hero didn't have me to stop hum and he killed someone.
your team under Bush slashed infrastructure spending.
these things need to be maintained and it costs money.
Your tea tard ideas caused the money to be stripped from infrastructure spending.
that is why they are crumbleing
Your fucks spent that money on things like Abu Garib instead you fool
Then don't brake check me.
Tom, there is one very simple rule to the road here; I rule the road. So get out kf my way when I let you on it. Or I WILL run you into a barricade.Psychopaths always blame someone else for being the way they are. Anyway I thought undertaking was legal in the US?
Tiny dick Jehovah's Witness fools like you are why men's rates are higher and I'm richer.Tom, there is one very simple rule to the road here; I rule the road. So get out kf my way when I let you on it. Or I WILL run you into a barricade.
STFU Jehovah's WitnessTop, are you okay with all of the dead bodies and twisted metal we've had strewn across the roads here in Seattle the last few weeks? It's your heroes, the asswhole drivers who cause it. They even started ticketing people who drive recklessly around semis, because of all the rollover incidents which have been occurring the past few years. I guess the state is tired of highway shutdowns and leaking hazardous chemicals.
That is psychopathic behaviour in my opinion.
Then don't brake check me.
Tom, there is one very simple rule to the road here; I rule the road. So get out kf my way when I let you on it. Or I WILL run you into a barricade.
I mock Jesus tardsThis is Topspin surrendering, BTW.
If I am unable to maintain 70, I get out of the left lane.
1) It's not physically safe to drive over 75 on I-5 in the Puget Sound area between Olympia and Everett, with the exception of a 5-10 mile stretch between Du Pont and Lacey of rural terrain. If you really want to risk 80-85, go nuts.
2) Asshole driver was never going to maintain +72. In fact, most assholes slow down in the left lane once they pass you. He would actually have been slowing me down. That's one minor reason I never let assholes get around me (I also don't let people over who refuse to signal).
3) Most people will never stand up to this guy. He will not have many opportunities to be taught a lesson.
4) There have been a TON of accidents on I-5, I-405, I-90, SR-167, and SR-99 recently. As this was occurring, I-405 was completely shutdown due to a fatality between Maple Valley and Bellevue. It's because of douchefucks like this (and Seattleite's general inability to drive).
5) I hope a pick-up runs Zappas off the road tomorrow.
Another note - I am one of the most courteous drivers on the road that you will meet. Signal and I let you in, unless it's not manageable at the moment. I maintain the largest following distances of anyone I know (this does encourage people to pass and cut me off, but I always see them coming, and let them around if they play by the rules).
This is partly to keep me safe from proles, but it's also just who I am.
Another note - I am one of the most courteous drivers on the road that you will meet.
you cant really believe that silly idea
Top, are you okay with all of the dead bodies and twisted metal we've had strewn across the roads here in Seattle the last few weeks? It's your heroes, the asswhole drivers who cause it. They even started ticketing people who drive recklessly around semis, because of all the rollover incidents which have been occurring the past few years. I guess the state is tired of highway shutdowns and leaking hazardous chemicals.