Anti-Maskers Suck.

You had nothing to say last when 68,000 Americans does it the flu so we know you're quite fine with at least that many dying. So what's YOUR fucking number?

Hey, that was on Trump’s watch, too!

We’ll quadruple that pissant 68,000, you fucking moron. Easily.
Ah, now you change the language. Not DEATHS are decreasing, the death RATE is decreasing.

Work on your language skills, moron.

What death rate is acceptable to you?

Any death rate that is accurate is acceptable to me. Let me know when you find one.
COVID Data Manipulation is in no way Unique to the Nashville Mayor
Trust me, this has happened all over the country. – Emails made public yesterday reveal that Democrat Nashville Mayor John Cooper and his staff intentionally withheld information related to the number of bar-related China Virus infections in his city because the numbers were too low.
The numbers cannot be trusted. Period.