Anti-Maskers Suck.

There isn’t enough evidence in the world to convince you, unless Donny comes out and says it, God himself couldn’t convince you, so why would anyone waste their time attempting the impossible

Just show us the evidence you've got. Why do you believe it outweighs evidence to the contrary? Libs only like science when it virtue signals their preconceived notions.

Appropriate Face-Masks For Anti-Maskers


Wear a mask dumb-asses!
1. As I said in another reply, you didn't debunk shit.
As I said in another reply, Mantra 38a.

2. There are websites that say it is and others that say it isn't. Try looking this up. "Fact Check: Is coronavirus the leading cause of death in the United States." This is one of the things it says. "If you look at the average daily deaths, yes. If you look at the bigger picture, no."
You cannot use "fact check" websites (such as Snopes, PolitiFact, etc.) with me. I do not accept them as a source of anything. They too often lie, conflate, make shit up, etc...

Per the CDC, heart disease is the #1 cause of death in the USA.

3. ...deleted Mantra 13... Either fascists are responsible for nearly 200,000 deaths or they aren't.
This virus was created in a lab in Wuhan (there is very strong evidence that it did not come about naturally). The people behind the releasing of this virus into the world (and anyone colluding with them) are responsible for any deaths resulting from it.

The 200,000 number is a lie, as debunked in my sig. Denial of said debunking is not a counterargument.
1. A mask is better than no mask. Deal with it. That they will filter out at least some virus means they will help stop the spread.
That's not stopping anything... It is still spreading, genius...

2. Have you not seen any of those tests they have shown on the news? They show people wearing masks and are back lit to show particles particles going past them. From either a cough or a sneeze. You can actually SEE the particles. And what it shows is that a mask is better than no mask.
The virus is still spreading, genius...

Going past some BS, you say that the masks aren't super glue. I never said they were. But a virus isn't a mosquito. If a virus hits a strand of fiber, it isn't going to fly off it. It might stick to it. So the chain link fence analogy doesn't work.
Yes it does.
Yet, here you are. Responding.

You can respond, punk. You merely can’t enumerate those rights you referred to.

Color me shocked!

The right to make your own decision about your person. It is called the pursuit of happiness. Got any more names or are you saving them for recess?