Anti-Maskers Suck.

Masks also drop the oxygen level in your environment to a dangerous range according to OSHA requirements.
It still boils down to your right of choice. If a business says you cannot enter without one you have no choice. If you can enter without one again it is your choice, your Constitutional right ensuring individual freedoms. So, blow it out your ass.


Your “constitutional rights”, whatever you think they are related to masks, are irrelevant.
Show us the evidence.

Dude, he's a POE troll and probable RW sock. He doesn't have shit for anything he posts.

On the news last night they talked about the officers being in court that were there when the cop resisting negro criminal George Floyd died. There was nothing wrong with the hero cop officer Chauvin put a knee on Floyd's neck AND back. He wasn't doing Floyd any harm. And what was he supposed to do. Give a cop resisting negro criminal with coronavirus CPR? That's a joke.

And more recently there has been a big stink going on over the justified shooting of another cop resisting negro criminal Jacob Blake. From what I have found out, they tried to restrain him. That didn't work. They tried to taser him, that didn't work. But when he tried to get into his car and possibly get a weapon, or just drive off and maybe run over a cop, they shot him. That worked. Now what if they were allowed to use the knee to the neck manoeuvre. Then none of the rest would have happened. (But fortunately for society, it did)

I will show you a video of what happens when a cop puts their ENTIRE weight on just one knee on somebody's neck. Unlike what happened with Floyd. Who as I said had a knee on his neck and back. Meaning that there wasn't that much weight on his neck.

It is true that what the media shows is what the law often goes along with. But if there is any real justice, he will be acquitted. I actually wrote officer Chauvin in prison and suggested that he show this video in his defense. (I don't know if they ever actually gave it to him) Knowing that officer Chauvin also had a knee on Floyd's back, nobody could watch this video and still think that officer Chauvin killed Floyd with having one of his knees on Floyd's neck. Also, having coronavirus, Floyd complained about not being able to breathe before he was ever on the ground. Should it surprise anybody that he was saying the same sort of shit when he was on the ground?
I can only conclude from your response that you have not read through nor understand the information contained within the link that you have provided.

Summarily dismissed.

You can conclude any fucking thing you want, dumbfuck. I’ve seen plenty of your bullshit to know you really don’t know shit from shinola.
Do you want to know what the best kind of mask to have is? Just look up what you can't get. That will tell you. Next, even a bad mask is better than no mask. Somebody at another forum brought up the analogy of using a chain link fence to keep out mosquitos. But what is the diameter of a coronavirus compared to the thickness of the average mask. What if a mosquito was the size of the coronavirus. How thick would that chain link fence have to be. Just for the hell of it, let's say the chain link fence was four feet thick. (Maybe it would be 20 feet thick, who knows) Now imagine that all of the holes of that chain link fence weren't directly aligned. So there would be no straight tunnel through it. Now imagine that the wires of that chain link fence had the ability to grab and hold some of the mosquitos. So surely the chain link fence and mosquito analogy doesn't work.

You are stuck defending improper ppe. Improper ppe was never recommended or required for use with hazmat before covid politics.
Debunked in my sig.

LIE. Heart disease is #1.


1. As I said in another reply, you didn't debunk shit.

2. There are websites that say it is and others that say it isn't. Try looking this up. "Fact Check: Is coronavirus the leading cause of death in the United States." This is one of the things it says. "If you look at the average daily deaths, yes. If you look at the bigger picture, no."

3. Face it. You're psycho. Either fascists are responsible for nearly 200,000 deaths or they aren't.
They use identical methods in their responses. The love those “fallacies”.

I guess I’ll just go ahead and put the twin cocksucker on ignore right now.

It's that peculiar form of writing that makes me think they are socks of a Ted Kaczynski-type nutjob. Let's hope he doesn't know shit about making bombs. ;)

#Domesticterrorism, #Jihad, #AlertDHS
Irrelevant. Masks do not stop/prevent the spread of viruses.

Irrelevant. Masks do not stop viruses.

A very good analogy... I've personally used "water through a spaghetti strainer", but I like that one better.

~100nm (0.1 microns), give or take.

The disposable masks that you see people wearing around everywhere are rated for 3,000nm (3.0 microns)... The cloth masks that you see people wearing are even worse... Even N95 masks are only rated for 300nm (0.3 microns)

See above.

Already taken into consideration in the BFE ratings of masks.

Masks are not super glue.

Yes it does.

1. A mask is better than no mask. Deal with it. That they will filter out at least some virus means they will help stop the spread.

2. Have you not seen any of those tests they have shown on the news? They show people wearing masks and are back lit to show particles particles going past them. From either a cough or a sneeze. You can actually SEE the particles. And what it shows is that a mask is better than no mask.

Going past some BS, you say that the masks aren't super glue. I never said they were. But a virus isn't a mosquito. If a virus hits a strand of fiber, it isn't going to fly off it. It might stick to it. So the chain link fence analogy doesn't work.
Let’s try again, dumbfuck. There is no constitutional protection regarding masks.

There. Did I type slowly enough for you?

Considering there is no legislation saying you have to wear masks only edicts there sure are constitutional rights involved. This country is not run on executive fiat.
Masks also drop the oxygen level in your environment to a dangerous range according to OSHA requirements.
It still boils down to your right of choice. If a business says you cannot enter without one you have no choice. If you can enter without one again it is your choice, your Constitutional right ensuring individual freedoms. So, blow it out your ass.
Which gives rise to the old saying "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing".

You should read the actual sources Ms. Margulis' provided in her article and compare them to her words. She's a moron.

The actual study in her first point:
Conclusions. Considering our findings, pulse rates
of the surgeon's increase and SpO2
decrease after the
first hour. This early change in SpO2
may be either due
to the facial mask or the operational stress. Since a very
small decrease in saturation at this level, reflects a large
decrease in PaO2
, our findings may have a clinical value

for the health workers and the surgeons.

Also, she's a wackadoodle like her 9/11 Truther mother:
Jennifer Margulis is a home birth advocate and author. As is typical with many critics of modern medicine, she mixes legitimate criticism of things like over-treatment with conspiratorial thinking about how Big Medicine and Big Pharma are out to destroy you and your children in the name of profit. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater, as it were. Unsurprisingly, she flirts with vaccine denial as well, not outright saying that vaccines are bad but just asking questions about how safe and necessary they are. In her own words, "I am not anti-vaccine, I am pro-questions."[1] She states she is "pro-vaccine" and that "vaccines work", but repeats many of the thoroughly discredited claims thrown about by vaccine deniers: vaccines may cause autism, vaccine schedules recommend too many vaccines at once, vaccines are potentially harmful because they're not "natural", etc.[2]

In 2016 she co-authored a book about vaccines[3] with Dr Paul Norman Thomas MD[4]. In 2017 she appeared in Ty Bollinger's epic "The Truth About Vaccines".[5]

She happens to be the daughter of biologist Lynn Margulis, who was Carl Sagan's first wife, proposed endosymbiotic theory… and was an HIV denialist and 9/11 truther. Guess it runs in the family.
