Anti-Maskers Suck.

Try 20,000. Even the New York Times says 90% of deaths are not covid 19 deaths.

What an asswipe you are. I would like to see you tell one of the people who had a family member die from coronavirus that they don't what killed them. So I could see the shit getting kicked out of you. Stop replying to my threads. You disgust me.
As I said in another reply, Mantra 38a.

You cannot use "fact check" websites (such as Snopes, PolitiFact, etc.) with me. I do not accept them as a source of anything. They too often lie, conflate, make shit up, etc...

Per the CDC, heart disease is the #1 cause of death in the USA.

This virus was created in a lab in Wuhan (there is very strong evidence that it did not come about naturally). The people behind the releasing of this virus into the world (and anyone colluding with them) are responsible for any deaths resulting from it.

The 200,000 number is a lie, as debunked in my sig. Denial of said debunking is not a counterargument.

The stupid is strong with you. Right now, coronavirus is the leading cause of death in the U.S. I will show you a graph that shows that coronavirus deaths surpassed all other causes of death back in April. Disbelieve at your leisure.

covid-19 deaths compared to other diseases.jpg
Liar. Go ahead and link up that lie, Jethro.

Here you go sparky.

Do your own fucking searching. If you have had your head in your ass for the past 4 months, I'm not going to pull it out for you.

The have been telling us that the attributed deaths are wrong for 4 months. You simply have to listen.

Oh, wait. Here, the report on the tests...

Now, go find the rest of the information cro magnon loser.
That's not stopping anything... It is still spreading, genius...

The virus is still spreading, genius...

Yes it does.

On the news just last night they showed the head of the CDC saying that he thought a mask would be more effective at keeping him from getting the coronavirus than a vaccine. He is a doctor. What are you.
On the news just last night they showed the head of the CDC saying that he thought a mask would be more effective at keeping him from getting the coronavirus than a vaccine. He is a doctor. What are you.

This is permitted by the MSM, Facebook and Twitter. Doctors who disagree with the MSM, Facebook and Twitter are silenced.
This is permitted by the MSM, Facebook and Twitter. Doctors who disagree with the MSM, Facebook and Twitter are silenced.

Awesome. Have you seen this, Doctor Pussy Grabber?

Here you go sparky.

Do your own fucking searching. If you have had your head in your ass for the past 4 months, I'm not going to pull it out for you.

The have been telling us that the attributed deaths are wrong for 4 months. You simply have to listen.

Oh, wait. Here, the report on the tests...

Now, go find the rest of the information cro magnon loser.

Try again, idiot. They only refer to detection levels on tests, not deaths.

OAN? Do you take off your tin foil hat when you watch that clownish shit, moron?
They are over 200,000 now. Two weeks ago or so, they were at 190,000.

I’ll let you tey to answer this simple question, Jethro. Is that an increase or a decrease?

The death rate is decreasing. You can't have it both ways. How many times can you be had?
The death rate is decreasing. You can't have it both ways. How many times can you be had?

Ah, now you change the language. Not DEATHS are decreasing, the death RATE is decreasing.

Work on your language skills, moron.

What death rate is acceptable to you?
Ah, now you change the language. Not DEATHS are decreasing, the death RATE is decreasing.

Work on your language skills, moron.

What death rate is acceptable to you?

You had nothing to say last when 68,000 Americans does it the flu so we know you're quite fine with at least that many dying. So what's YOUR fucking number?
So, just a "We told you" to your faces...

When we said that shutting down was the wrong policy, we were right.

Take a look at Sweden. They never shut down.
