Any other candidate than Biden means fail

Joe Biden has the perfect set up for a debate, no audience, mic's were silenced when not speaking....and he had a liar to debate.....all this man had to do was say, Trump is lying and here's the facts....YOU DON'T NEEB ALL THIS PREPERATION TO COUNTER LIES...YOU SIMPLY ADDRESS HIS BULLSHIT WITH FACTS.....Biden has been in politics his entire life, he's done all these great things and all he had to do was counter the lies with the truth. For the last and final time, there's nothing wrong with aging, but when your faculties are waning and you can't come with 100%, its time to leave politics...why dear God why is asking this man to step down a fuckin crime??? Trump will ruin this country if elected and I don't think we will ever ever ever recover should he win.
What has Biden done?
List them.

I'll start:

-> Four acts of treason:
* giving weapons and supplies to the enemy in time of war.
* Inviting invasion of the United States.
* calling for civil against citizens of the United States.
* espionage.

-> A 34% devaluation of the dollar since he was installed (source: Federal Reserve).
-> Shortages in fuel and other items as a direct result of his executive orders.
-> Persecution of political opponents by converting the FBI into something more resembling the SS from Nazi Germany.
-> Communism, in the form of providing housing (in fancy hotels!) of illegal immigrants, money, and even cellphones.
-> Assuming the duties of the President without authority.

Then I'll list:
-> Falling off his bike.
-> Getting lost on stage.
-> Wandering off for no apparent reason, requiring someone to go fetch him.
-> Meandering wanderings of something resembling speech,
-> Falling up and down the stairs on numerous occasions.
-> Staring off into space, apparently trying to reboot his brain (what little there is of it!).

But you ahead and support the Democrat delegates that have already pledged for the guy (some 99%).
Looks like the Democrats are going to nominate this clown yet again.

Remember, Democrats won't find it so easy to cheat on the elections this time.
Trump and his supporters have already destroyed America? Wow, you are the most brain dead individual at this forum.
America is being destroyed every day for over 3 1/2 years of this barely alive demented imbecile currently taking up space
in his basement and in the White House. Trump made America great, safe and economically sound, while bribem has done just the opposite. Looks like the entire dummycrat party is going to hell in a hand basket--right where they belong.
Poor whitey, the white xtian party is coming to an end
Trump and his supporters have already destroyed America? Wow, you are the most brain dead individual at this forum.
America is being destroyed every day for over 3 1/2 years of this barely alive demented imbecile currently taking up space
in his basement and in the White House. Trump made America great, safe and economically sound, while bribem has done just the opposite. Looks like the entire dummycrat party is going to hell in a hand basket--right where they belong.
You are insane. Get help.
Where's Joe? They send the B team governors to make excuses for him, Binder girl to make excuses for him...Jill and Kamala desperately trying to prop him up...Hunter there for no one knows what reason....The campaign is scrambling to assure everyone that he's just "fine"...
But where's Joe? The fact that he can't speak for himself...and is not allowed to do so, says it all... (Who wrote the jet lag excuse for him?)
Pay attention to those in the party who love this country enough to be honest...and are telling the truth about him...
He made perfect sense

He stuttered a few times

That will happen to a person who stutters

What part didn’t make sense?

Let’s go through it word by word if you want

The corporate media needs downplay Biden

The corporations are figuring out that the right wing just screwed the mega wealthy

They gave BIDEN massive powers folks

Biden said he thought the thing was Misdecided but that he would respect the law they gave him

Start thinking hard about what that means

Biden is about to show the entire world just how at the top of his game he is

Biden is now the most powerful man in the world

dear fucking idiot,

They are terrified

They just realized they gave Biden the kings crown

Fuck you very much
Clearly you haven't gotten the memo yet. Since when did I convey to you that I give a fuck about you and your opinions? Now find a phone and call somebody that gives a fuck, bc I don't
Where's Joe? They send the B team governors to make excuses for him, Binder girl to make excuses for him...Jill and Kamala desperately trying to prop him up...Hunter there for no one knows what reason....The campaign is scrambling to assure everyone that he's just "fine"...
But where's Joe? The fact that he can't speak for himself...and is not allowed to do so, says it all... (Who wrote the jet lag excuse for him?)
Pay attention to those in the party who love this country enough to be honest...and are telling the truth about him...
Too bad Biden can just have trump arrested

Your fucked
Too bad Biden can just have trump arrested

Your fucked
He can' Joe...He couldn't even get it together enough to give a decent, heartfelt speech at the picnic for the military families...pathetic...I truly feel sorry for him...
I'm so happy that we won't have to put up with him much longer...
He can' Joe...He couldn't even get it together enough to give a decent, heartfelt speech at the picnic for the military families...pathetic...I truly feel sorry for him...
I'm so happy that we won't have to put up with him much longer...
You gave him the power stupid racist Russian whore
What has Biden done?
List them.

I'll start:

-> Four acts of treason:
* giving weapons and supplies to the enemy in time of war.
* Inviting invasion of the United States.
* calling for civil against citizens of the United States.
* espionage.

-> A 34% devaluation of the dollar since he was installed (source: Federal Reserve).
-> Shortages in fuel and other items as a direct result of his executive orders.
-> Persecution of political opponents by converting the FBI into something more resembling the SS from Nazi Germany.
-> Communism, in the form of providing housing (in fancy hotels!) of illegal immigrants, money, and even cellphones.
-> Assuming the duties of the President without authority.

Then I'll list:
-> Falling off his bike.
-> Getting lost on stage.
-> Wandering off for no apparent reason, requiring someone to go fetch him.
-> Meandering wanderings of something resembling speech,
-> Falling up and down the stairs on numerous occasions.
-> Staring off into space, apparently trying to reboot his brain (what little there is of it!).

But you ahead and support the Democrat delegates that have already pledged for the guy (some 99%).
Looks like the Democrats are going to nominate this clown yet again.

Remember, Democrats won't find it so easy to cheat on the elections this time.
I would love to list Trump's failures but one have only but one life time to live