Any other candidate than Biden means fail

He can' Joe...He couldn't even get it together enough to give a decent, heartfelt speech at the picnic for the military families...pathetic...I truly feel sorry for him...
I'm so happy that we won't have to put up with him much longer...
Making shit up won't work.

Reagan had a good economy, by removing government regulations that were strangling it.

Clinton never balanced any budget. Neither did Congress. Clinton also set up the conditions for the eventual crash in late 2007.

Obama took the crash of 2007 and converted into a depression that lasted a year in to the Trump administration. Trump ended that economic depression. Obama called that depression the "New Normal".

During the last year of Trump's term, DEMOCRATS used the Covid Hoax to shut down the economy again, causing the current economic depression. An economic depression is NOT economic growth.

The dollar has devalued by 34% since Biden was installed. Source: Federal Reserve.
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Bye Joe... Where is this rescued economy and fastest economic growth you speak of? Not only a link to those statistics, but examples of real life...Statistics don't pay bills.....
Let me tell you what I did when Trump was bragging about all the good shit he did...I went to google, found actual websites that fact checked his claims and then, and only then did I feel certain when I countered nuts like you. So if your on the fence on what Joe has actually done, than find out these facts for yourself or or or shut the fuck up. Fact: Trump did absolutely nothing his years in office, but ride the Obama economy that was handed to him, like it or not, those are just facts. And to give you one better, had he taken Covid serious, he'd won that election against Joe....but Trump in his arrogance, allowed 1 million fellow Americans to die from the Pandemic and he had to go...plain and simple.1720467509644.png