Anybody fancy a ... [tom JPP tweets out all it's titles...]

The vote is on 18th September and frankly if the English were allowed a vote then Scotland would be cast adrift. As P. G. Wodehouse said, "it is never difficult to distinguish between a Scotsman with a grievance and a ray of sunshine".

The Scottish were the only good thing your empire had.
Alba gu brath!

Ah yes, history Hollywood style and we all know how fastidious they are about getting historical details right.

The film "Braveheart", to which Clann Tartan members should need no introduction, has been nominated for Academy Awards and re-released, which prompts me to do something I should have done when it was released the first time; namely, review this film for historical accuracy. Clann members will, I expect, be interested in the history, and won't even need an explanation of why accuracy matters. I feel qualified to review it artistically too, being in "the biz" (even if I'm still at the "starving artist in his garret" stage), but there are plenty of reviews around. What I feel more uniquely qualified to comment on is the film's accuracy. In the course of researching and writing my own play on the life of Robert the Bruce, I have become somewhat learned on the period.

In brief, the history in "Braveheart" is absolute garbage.

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It is never difficult to distinguish between a Scotsman with a grievance and a ray of sunshine. (equally applies to Norwegians)
P. G. Wodehouse
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Of course the real truth is that Darla badgered you and you gave in to her hectoring.

I find your gay fantasies distasteful only in that they are expressed in an obscene manner and fetishize (thus dehumanize) black men. But that's your wife's problem...maybe she hectored Grind. I've no doubt she finds you a public embarrassment.