Anybody here post on ?


Classical Liberal
I was permabanned there after one post during the '16 campaign. Re registered under a different name (not anonymoose).
Funny stuff there where the loons bark in an echo chamber unabated.
I'm gonna tone it down an see how long before I'm banned again.
Think I'll post some pro Tulsi Gabbard stuff. They seem to hate her.
Look for it.
I was permabanned there after one post during the '16 campaign. Re registered under a different name (not anonymoose).
Funny stuff there where the loons bark in an echo chamber unabated.
I'm gonna tone it down an see how long before I'm banned again.
Think I'll post some pro Tulsi Gabbard stuff. They seem to hate her.
Look for it.

I was thrown off a week after I got on, but that's not my record, been tossed off of several conservative forums in under two days.
I was permabanned there after one post during the '16 campaign. Re registered under a different name (not anonymoose).
Funny stuff there where the loons bark in an echo chamber unabated.
I'm gonna tone it down an see how long before I'm banned again.
Think I'll post some pro Tulsi Gabbard stuff. They seem to hate her.
Look for it.

Good luck.......

I have looked & read there many times over the years but never signed up..........

If you go to the front page & see 20-30% of the threads locked on average you know there is a problem.....

It's an echo chamber for fringe leftists. Here's a review from a Dem.

“Long past its prime & now a pitiful joke”

Democratic Underground (DU) used to be a great site to discuss Democratic issues and news a visitor might not see elsewhere. Since before the 2016 primary, though, it's turned into nothing but a vast echo chamber where, in a parallel reality far removed from this one, former Secretary Clinton was the very embodiment of a perfect candidate and anyone who supported any other candidate is a traitor to the party. Mention something positive about Bernie? Brace yourself, because you're about to get swarmed, mostly with shrieking and paranoid nonsense about how Sanders cost Hillary the election. Say something mildly critical of Democrats in general? You're a disruptor who must be punished, and why do you love Trump? I went there for a long time and (stupidly, I now realize) even donated money to them over many years. No more. It's the Left's dark twin of Free Republic but it was once so much more. ZERO STARS (1 here because zero isn't currently an option recognized by the software).
I joined just to see what the other side thinks. I'm posing as a Tulsi Gabbard fan, though in reality, I DO like her. She's my favorite Dem candidate. She's smart, attractive, and presents herself very well. I love her voice, as well. I really like hearing her talk. I didn't look around the site that much. At least not enough to read any fringe leftist remarks. The site seems to be set up pretty well and it's easy to navigate on it.
I joined just to see what the other side thinks. I'm posing as a Tulsi Gabbard fan, though in reality, I DO like her. She's my favorite Dem candidate. She's smart, attractive, and presents herself very well. I love her voice, as well. I really like hearing her talk. I didn't look around the site that much. At least not enough to read any fringe leftist remarks. The site seems to be set up pretty well and it's easy to navigate on it.

Just sent two messages , both in support of Tulsi. Let's see if I get banned.
Good luck.......

I have looked & read there many times over the years but never signed up..........

If you go to the front page & see 20-30% of the threads locked on average you know there is a problem.....

Ha! Now I'm in an argument with one of them ! Yeehaaaa!
Someone posted a sexy pic of Melania Trump on I responded, "Nice pic"! "She IS the hottest First Lady all-time. No one else is even close." Let's see if this gets a response.
I joined just to see what the other side thinks. I'm posing as a Tulsi Gabbard fan, though in reality, I DO like her. She's my favorite Dem candidate. She's smart, attractive, and presents herself very well. I love her voice, as well. I really like hearing her talk. I didn't look around the site that much. At least not enough to read any fringe leftist remarks. The site seems to be set up pretty well and it's easy to navigate on it.

What are you posing as here?
I'm posing as NO ONE on here, I AM Steven VanderMolen. I believe I already warned you about provoking me on this site. Leave your nonsense about me posing on here, NOW. Keep it up and I promise you I WILL verbally rip you a new one. This is for you, Margot.
I'm posing as NO ONE on here, I AM Steven VanderMolen. I believe I already warned you about provoking me on this site. Leave your nonsense about me posing on here, NOW. Keep it up and I promise you I WILL verbally rip you a new one.

A new bee thinks he's a tough
If you can't take my mild shit.
Wait till the crazys start calling you cum gargler,start on the female members of your family.
YOU WILL run back to where you came from.