Anybody here post on ?

I was permabanned there after one post during the '16 campaign. Re registered under a different name (not anonymoose).
Funny stuff there where the loons bark in an echo chamber unabated.
I'm gonna tone it down an see how long before I'm banned again.
Think I'll post some pro Tulsi Gabbard stuff. They seem to hate her.
Look for it.

My God man, surely you have better things to do with your life. :laugh:
I joined just to see what the other side thinks. I'm posing as a Tulsi Gabbard fan, though in reality, I DO like her. She's my favorite Dem candidate. She's smart, attractive, and presents herself very well. I love her voice, as well. I really like hearing her talk. I didn't look around the site that much. At least not enough to read any fringe leftist remarks. The site seems to be set up pretty well and it's easy to navigate on it.

Were you touching yourself as you typed that? :rofl2:
I was permabanned there after one post during the '16 campaign. Re registered under a different name (not anonymoose).
Funny stuff there where the loons bark in an echo chamber unabated.
I'm gonna tone it down an see how long before I'm banned again.
Think I'll post some pro Tulsi Gabbard stuff. They seem to hate her.
Look for it.

Say hello to our new MIR Team!
The job of the Malicious Intruder Removal Team is to ban people who join DU with the intent to disrupt. MIR Team members are volunteers, and they serve for a three-month term.

What can and cannot be posted in the General Discussion forum (updated 6/22/16)


Threads about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict [font color="red"]are not permitted under normal circumstances[/font] and should be posted in the Israel/Palestine Group.

Open discussion of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict [font color="green"]is permitted during very high-profile news events which are heavily covered across all newsmedia[/font].


Threads about current events related to religion, and threads about church-state issues [font color="green"]are permitted under normal circumstances[/font].

Threads about the existence/non-existence of God, threads discussing the merits (or lack thereof) of religion in general, and threads discussing the truth/untruth of religious dogma [font color="red"]are not permitted under normal circumstances[/font] and should be posted under Religion.

Open discussion of religion [font color="green"]is permitted during very high-profile news events which are heavily covered across all newsmedia[/font].


News stories (and related content) from reputable mainstream sources about efforts to strengthen or weaken gun control legislation in any jurisdiction in the United States, national news stories (and related content) from reputable mainstream sources about high-profile gun crimes, and viral political content from social media or blogs that would likely be of interest to a large majority of DU members [font color="green"]are permitted under normal circumstances[/font].

Local stories about gun crime and "gun porn" threads showing pictures of guns or discussing the merits of various firearms [font color="red"]are not permitted under normal circumstances[/font] and should be posted in the Gun Control and RKBA Group.

Open discussion of guns [font color="green"]is permitted during very high-profile news events which are heavily covered across all newsmedia[/font].


Threads about showbiz/celebrity culture which do not have a political angle [font color="red"]are not permitted under normal circumstances[/font] and should be posted under Entertainment.

Open discussion of showbiz [font color="green"]is permitted during very high-profile news events which are heavily covered across all newsmedia[/font].


Threads about sports/sporting events which do not have a political angle [font color="red"]are not permitted under normal circumstances[/font] and should be posted under Sports.

Open discussion of sports [font color="green"]is permitted during very high-profile news events which are heavily covered across all newsmedia[/font].
I was permabanned there after one post during the '16 campaign. Re registered under a different name (not anonymoose).
Funny stuff there where the loons bark in an echo chamber unabated.
I'm gonna tone it down an see how long before I'm banned again.
Think I'll post some pro Tulsi Gabbard stuff. They seem to hate her.
Look for it.

Horrible format. I can't stand to even read any of it. Very cluttered.
That shit almost makes one want to stand up and give the Nazi salute. :laugh:

Good idea! Think I'll reregister as Adolf Hitler there. If making posts supporting Tulsi Gabbard triggers them, that board will be eliminated posting some Proud Boys, American Guard, Three Percenters, Oathkeepers and Daily Stormers material.
ConGrats.......:) You going to stick around or moving mid winter??

Stick around until next summer. Kinda looking at Gig Harbor, WA. "Gateway to the Olympic Peninsula". Coupla nice private golf clubs, a women's prison that always has an opening for an on call dentist. Houses with a little land.
Stick around until next summer. Kinda looking at Gig Harbor, WA. "Gateway to the Olympic Peninsula". Coupla nice private golf clubs, a women's prison that always has an opening for an on call dentist. Houses with a little land.

Beautiful.... You know it rains about 2 out of 3 days there?? Prob about the same as you have now.....

Close to civilization, yet far enough away to enjoy.:) Happy for you.........
Beautiful.... You know it rains about 2 out of 3 days there?? Prob about the same as you have now.....

Close to civilization, yet far enough away to enjoy.:) Happy for you.........

Can't be worse than here, the weather that is. Night three months out of the yr., and cold. Six month winters. Seems every time we fly into Seatac it's better weather than what we left in Anchorage.