Anybody here post on ?

I run from NO ONE. Especially low I.Q. individuals like you. What IS your I.Q.? Mine is 147, I have a sneaky feeling yours is MUCH lower. And I don't resort to profanity or vulgarity, I am smarter than that. Repeated use of profanity is an indication that a person doesn't have the smarts to think of using more creative language and lacks the intelligence to come up with something that is not vulgar or profane. I believe you fall into this category.
I run from NO ONE. Especially low I.Q. individuals like you. What IS your I.Q.? Mine is 147, I have a sneaky feeling yours is MUCH lower. And I don't resort to profanity or vulgarity, I am smarter than that. Repeated use of profanity is an indication that a person doesn't have the smarts to think of using more creative language and lacks the intelligence to come up with something that is not vulgar or profane. I believe you fall into this category.

The reply button is bottom right,or no one knows who you're going off on!
IDK,but Steve is a bit thin skinned for JPP!
Hope he makes it.

Well, I'll give him some benefit of the doubt if he can at least try. Maybe he can tell us a few things about himself. Nothing private just simple info to break the ice that people share all the time here. Something like me being of Dutch/German descent or you being from the buckeye state.
Well, I'll give him some benefit of the doubt if he can at least try. Maybe he can tell us a few things about himself. Nothing private just simple info to break the ice that people share all the time here. Something like me being of Dutch/German descent or you being from the buckeye state.

That would be nice!
I was permabanned there after one post during the '16 campaign. Re registered under a different name (not anonymoose).
Funny stuff there where the loons bark in an echo chamber unabated.
I'm gonna tone it down an see how long before I'm banned again.
Think I'll post some pro Tulsi Gabbard stuff. They seem to hate her.
Look for it.
Thanks...looks very interesting...I like the idea of "exercises", not polls...
Should be fun;)
LOL, I remember that site when I first joined up with JPP. I was perusing political sites (either DP or USMB were my first.) and that site, I believe it it is same site was so nutty back then it is hilarious to read it is still around and nuttier than ever.

I've had my in and outs with this board and the mods, but guess what, here I am and here the mods are my friends.

True friends are people who you can get into a massive pissing match with and then make up. Or fist fights always work...
It's an echo chamber for fringe leftists. Here's a review from a Dem.
No more. It's the Left's dark twin of Free Republic but it was once so much more. ZERO STARS (1 here because zero isn't currently an option recognized by the software).

I took a gander at Free republic and DU is worse. Free republic allows dissenting views.
I'm posing as NO ONE on here, I AM Steven VanderMolen. I believe I already warned you about provoking me on this site. Leave your nonsense about me posing on here, NOW. Keep it up and I promise you I WILL verbally rip you a new one. This is for you, Margot.
:laugh:, ooooooooo, scary
I run from NO ONE. Especially low I.Q. individuals like you. What IS your I.Q.? Mine is 147, I have a sneaky feeling yours is MUCH lower. And I don't resort to profanity or vulgarity, I am smarter than that. Repeated use of profanity is an indication that a person doesn't have the smarts to think of using more creative language and lacks the intelligence to come up with something that is not vulgar or profane. I believe you fall into this category.

[FONT=&quot]By comparing scores from both the verbal and swearing fluency tasks, it was found that the people who scored highest on the verbal fluency test also tended to do best on the swearing fluency task. The weakest in the verbal fluency test also did poorly on the swearing fluency task.[/FONT]

[FONT="]By comparing scores from both the verbal and swearing fluency tasks, it was found that the people who scored highest on the verbal fluency test also tended to do best on the swearing fluency task. The weakest in the verbal fluency test also did poorly on the swearing fluency task.[/FONT]

So Steve is now sounding like the poster you kept having to kick to the curb. He always ended up saying the exact same shit about swearing. If he's hiding his IP I'd reconsider his presence here.

[FONT="]By comparing scores from both the verbal and swearing fluency tasks, it was found that the people who scored highest on the verbal fluency test also tended to do best on the swearing fluency task. The weakest in the verbal fluency test also did poorly on the swearing fluency task.[/FONT]

I can confirm that you're fucking right about that. :laugh:

Gotta love the big new "man" who thinks threats and swinging his weiner around are gonna cut the mustard around here. He'll learn.