Anybody here post on ?

Can't be worse than here, the weather that is. Night three months out of the yr., and cold. Six month winters. Seems every time we fly into Seatac it's better weather than what we left in Anchorage.

Yea, it could..... I checked, it rains about the same amount of days....... Prob less snow
I imagine they still defend the Iraq war.

I do; the reason is simple. I don't hold a brutal dictator harmless in bringing that upon himself and have a memory that extends for decades and not the last media talking point.

Let us recall that even the media was FOR the enforcement of UN agreements Saddam had signed off on and ignored for a decade during Clinton's do-nothing years.

Let us also recall that the Democratic leadership even back to the Clinton Presidency was FOR enforcing and BELIEVED he was hiding WMDs.

But most of all, let's remember that Saddam himself was in violation, had obstructed the inspectors and himself wanted EVERYONE to believe he was dangerous and did not believe we would do anything even though he was in violation.

Carry on.
Sieg Heil cocksucker!

Let us recall that even the media was FOR the enforcement of UN agreements Saddam had signed off on and ignored for a decade during Clinton's do-nothing years.

as an actual conservative, I don't send soldiers to war because of the UN.

also - as an actual conservative, I am well aware that that idiotic war is what caused us to elect Obama - who campaigned on that - not Obamacare.
as an actual conservative, I don't send soldiers to war because of the UN.

No one has asked you to. You're not the "decider." But when we ejected Iraq from Kuwait; the UN was indeed involved and we are the leader of the free world and basically the ONLY nation capable of enforcing UN resolutions.

Perhaps you like the idea of despots, tyrants and terrorists getting away with shit; but sensible sane head believe that you beat them by actually doing something.

Again, your memory is lacking because you pretend that the devastating events of 9-11 never had an effect on our views back then. I remember. We realized that complacency, and doing nothing didn not make us secure. In fact, it exposed us to being the victims on 9-11. I don't think ANYONE with half a brain would want to go through that again.

Security and freedom do actually come at a cost. Unfortunately, many in the US allow the media to shape their mistaken opinions that it can be secured with no cost at all. That is dumb.

also - as an actual conservative, I am well aware that that idiotic war is what caused us to elect Obama - who campaigned on that - not Obamacare.

Obama's election victory had NOTHING to do with Iraq. If that were true, Kerry would have been his predecessor and not Bush II.

Obama won by a wide margin because Bush was incorrectly blamed for the massive recession that hit in 2008. Nothing more.
No one has asked you to. You're not the "decider." But when we ejected Iraq from Kuwait; the UN was indeed involved and we are the leader of the free world and basically the ONLY nation capable of enforcing UN resolutions.

Perhaps you like the idea of despots, tyrants and terrorists getting away with shit; but sensible sane head believe that you beat them by actually doing something.

Again, your memory is lacking because you pretend that the devastating events of 9-11 never had an effect on our views back then. I remember. We realized that complacency, and doing nothing didn not make us secure. In fact, it exposed us to being the victims on 9-11. I don't think ANYONE with half a brain would want to go through that again.

Security and freedom do actually come at a cost. Unfortunately, many in the US allow the media to shape their mistaken opinions that it can be secured with no cost at all. That is dumb.

Obama's election victory had NOTHING to do with Iraq. If that were true, Kerry would have been his predecessor and not Bush II.

Obama won by a wide margin because Bush was incorrectly blamed for the massive recession that hit in 2008. Nothing more.

and this in a nutshell is why neocons and republicans can't be trusted.

just morons with a Napoleon complex (ooh, we are so tough compared to everyone else :rofl2:)
and this in a nutshell is why neocons and republicans can't be trusted.

just morons with a Napoleon complex (ooh, we are so tough compared to everyone else :rofl2:)

Even after detailed explanations, you still get it all wrong but that's okay. I still think you're OK on most issues. ;)
I can confirm that you're fucking right about that. :laugh:

Gotta love the big new "man" who thinks threats and swinging his weiner around are gonna cut the mustard around here. He'll learn.

???sounds like you doubt that??? WTF, he said it, it must be so....:whoa::whoa:
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Banned. Four posts.:cool:
So I got banned for supporting Tulsi at DU. There's a stated rule there that you can't say anything bad about a dim candidate or auto-bam and now the Bernie Bros, neocon warmongering libs , and the Blommies are all slinging shit at each other.
The present state of the dim party. lol