Anyone from coastal NC,SC, GA area?

Smart folks. Must run in the family. This one is picking up power quickly.
They just retired there from Vermont. We are having a reunion of my siblings in our hometown, they were heading to KS, anyway, but just moved it up a couple of days. Her son isn’t sure where they will go to ride it out, but they have family in Virginia and may go there.

The problem is going to be further inland. Our forecast for this weekend varies between 7 inches of rain and 27 inches of rain Saturday/Sunday depending on where this monster decides to stall.

That is certain flooding. You prepared?
Very true. You seem like a level headed person. You will know whether to go someplace and come back after.

I live on one of the highest ridge lines in my area, sort of. The best way to describe it is living in the crater of a volcano with one side blown off. There is plenty of high ground to get to if need be in a matter of 30 seconds. My only real danger is surface water coming down hill. If the storm ditches over flow, it ends up in my yard as does happen a few times a year. Once in my yard it parallels my house down to the other end of the ditch where it is wide enough to take a river of water The real question is whether overtopping water from ditches will be enough at once to overcome the slope away from my foundation to reach it. When we had 8 inches last year off a hurricane, the ditches did fine as it was over a period of hours. We've had 12 inches over a period of time with only minor over topping. I have no idea what 27 inches would look like but my insurance renewed Sept 1 ;)