Anyone from coastal NC,SC, GA area?

I have some friends that moved to James Island from Upstate NY a few months ago. My wife called them to offer lodging and they said that they were going to ride it out. Guess they'll need to learn the hard way that this isn't like a blizzard.

They decided to get out, on their way to Floriduh to visit relatives.
Hope it kills you, just like you salivated at the prospect of white farmers being massacred on South Africa.

sorry to disappoint you , safe and secure, you spawn of a limey Minger and a drunken Pillock and spawner of Tossers and Chavs

now run along like a good limey goy and gobble some spotted dick

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sorry to disappoint you , safe and secure, you spawn of a limey Minger and a drunken Pillock and spawner of Tossers and Chavs

now run along like a good limey goy and gobble some spotted dick

Hate to prick your bubble but my parents came from Ireland, have you got a stereotype for that as well? I do love spotted dick though. Oh and by the way, both my sons, who are half Thai, have first class degrees in computer science. Want to try for some suckee fuckee insults as well?
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We are getting some wind. Rain not supposed to start until later this afternoon.....which means any second in forecast land.....this evening and overnight is when the worst is supposed to come and go. Much more favorable forecast than a few days ago so no big thing other than we will have a house filled to the brim with cats and one twitchy dog who really tries to behave but really really doesn't heart cats near her. We are the weather shelter for the community cats whether I want to be or not.
We are getting some wind. Rain not supposed to start until later this afternoon.....which means any second in forecast land.....this evening and overnight is when the worst is supposed to come and go. Much more favorable forecast than a few days ago so no big thing other than we will have a house filled to the brim with cats and one twitchy dog who really tries to behave but really really doesn't heart cats near her. We are the weather shelter for the community cats whether I want to be or not.

Aw. You need a sign!


Good luck, hope it isn't as bad as they're hyping it up to be.
Aw. You need a sign!


Good luck, hope it isn't as bad as they're hyping it up to be.

I live next to the neighborhood watering hole so I get lots of 4-legged traffic. There is a spring in the woods next to me and the bastards just sit on the back deck staring in the sliding door looking all sad until somebody opens it up for them at which point 2,471,656 of them appear from nowhere and come busting through the open door in the matter of 2.4 seconds They are evil like that. Ok technically it is like 6 of them who are regular moochers but it feels like an extra 2,471,650 cats when they are all in the house.
I live next to the neighborhood watering hole so I get lots of 4-legged traffic. There is a spring in the woods next to me and the bastards just sit on the back deck staring in the sliding door looking all sad until somebody opens it up for them at which point 2,471,656 of them appear from nowhere and come busting through the open door in the matter of 2.4 seconds They are evil like that. Ok technically it is like 6 of them who are regular moochers but it feels like an extra 2,471,650 cats when they are all in the house.

That's so funny. Animals seem to have a radar for sure. In the winter we get huge sacks of alfafa for the deer. Here's how it goes. In the late afternoon, we look out over the snow and see a bleak and empty landscape. We go downstairs, put on boots, open door, drag heavy bag out to the clearing Mr. Owl snowblows. Start dispensing arms-full of alfafa. Before you even have the door closed, here they come out of the woods. We've had as many as 16 at one time, all gathering within a few minutes of putting out the chow. The grocery stores here are cool. If you go in the mornings and ask someone in produce, they'll let you grab boxes full of discarded produce for free. Deer around here eat like kings. lol
